
Retreats, Testimonials
About This Project

Dear Aya, I am writing to express my support and gratitude for your community work based on Non-Violent Communication (NVC). You began offering this service in our community in 2011, in the form of open group meetings.  You have been facilitating on a regular basis during this time, and have helped us all on many levels. Firstly at an individual level, I can say that my personal communication skills have improved significantly, as a result of understanding how to truly listen to others, becoming aware of the difference between facts, judgments, feelings and needs in my own communication, and many other new ways of looking at communication.  I also have found these new skills invaluable in my workplace.  And, not least, you have helped me resolve an area of misunderstanding in my marriage. As a group, we have been able to help each other come to terms with some of the conflicts in our lives. Your work has also created a great sense of community by bringing together people of different backgrounds to share aspects of their lives and provide mutual support. Thanks.