William Sebrans, LifeCoach

Testimonials, Workshops
About This Project

I would like in this note to lend testimony and support for Aya in her effective work in facilitating NVC, also known as compassionate communication.. I was exposed to NVC 4 years ago through a two-day workshop in Nevada City and subsequent reading on my own…Though I appreciated the principles of NVC around getting to core needs, and its potential benefits in improving and uplifting all manner of relationships, my first exposure to it in practice seemed a bit awkward ,. . . despite the clearly good intentions of all involved. My experience with Aya during my attendance at about six group meetings locally, plus my subsequent interaction with her outside the group setting, was inviting, moving and useful. In her personal manner, she carries the warm and passionate commitment to living the principles of compassionate communication: Among those principles are an uncompromising care for others; and her own well-being, radically attentive listening, and devotion to revealing what’s true in any situation for the highest good of all. This way of being , for me, transcends technique, and is necessary for any “techniques” to be transformative. In her professional approach, she consistently demonstrated her skills as a facilitator and her willingness to be an on-going learner… Through her presentation, I have found that I have been able to simplify a route to my own peace around certain life issues, and have a greater willingness, interest and ability to both get and respond to what’s being communicated by others at the deepest level. Sincerely.