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Arab & Jewish peace activists in Israel
Nonviolent Communication
in D.R. Congo
Nonviolent Communication
in D.R. Congo

In 2022 Aya was contacted by Pastor Samuel and his wife Faida, the co-founders of the Peace and Conflict Resolution Foundation ( ), asking her to offer Nonviolent Communication training to their community in Eastern D.R Congo.

They told her that their vision was to establish a society in D.R Congo where people and communities are empowered with the skills to overcome conflict by equipping the generation to come with leadership capacities and peace building skills necessary to end the cycle of violence in their country.

It was an immediate YES and together with CT Samuel Ogala from Kenya, and assisted by certification candidates Nora Heiber and Jen Franklin, we offered a 2 day free NVC training via zoom to more than 50 participants.

Since then Aya has been in touch with Samuel and Faida and continues to support them and their community. 

2-Day Introductory Online
Workshop in the Congo
In collaboration with the PCR Foundation
2-Day Introductory Online
Workshop in the Congo
In collaboration with the PCR Foundation
NVC Community in Turkey
NVC Community
in Turkey

In July 2024 Aya offered a 3-week course on ‘Healing and Reconciliation’ for the NVC community in Turkey.

Doing The Repair Work, NVC Turkey, Session 1
Doing The Repair Work, NVC Turkey, Session 2
Doing The Repair Work, NVC Turkey, Session 3

Aliye Burcu Ertunç

" Aya's workshop invited me to process the steps of Nonviolent Communication very slowly, layer by layer. The repairing work showed me how to approach more challenging situations in my relationships. Slowing down between those steps allowed me to understand my responsibility in each one . Her work reminded me of the narrative often imposed on us, where everyone is either guilty or a victim for some reason and rarely responsible and that what struck me the most to realize that non-violent communication is not just a four-step technique. Instead, when we are ready to move to a more heartfelt place and embrace the innocence of ourselves it becomes something we naturally live and we get ready to share that innocence field with other beings...I'm also grateful for the chance to experience how Aya welcomed an impact in real time during our session—it created a field of love honesty and connection. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 3

" My intention is to live wholeheartedly, and this training has greatly supported me. The instructor's grounded and open presence, along with the practices rooted in real life, have been invaluable. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 2

" The concept of the field of innocence deeply resonated with me. It has become a compassionate reminder that I will actively use in my relationships. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 1

" It was incredibly meaningful to witness Aya take transparent responsibility for the impact she had while sharing her own experience and to see how she deepened the connection step by step. "
Time for Empathy Workshops

Aya has been presenting annually at ‘Time for Empathy’ One week of online workshops about empathic listening and Nonviolent Communication (NVC) offered for free by trainers from all over the world. Hosted by Empathic Way Europe.

All Ages Collaboration Lab
All Ages
Collaboration Lab

Aya has volunteered to be one of the coaches at the All Ages Collaboration Lab: An intensive coaching program for transforming the lives of younger people all over the world. Click here to read more.

3-year project at Ghidotti Highschool
Nonviolent Communication at Ghidotti High
Creating educational videos
Speaking About the War in Gaza Without Recreating It Between Us