“ It has been my privilege to know Aya, in the context of her work as a Non-Violent (Compassionate) communication trainer, in an eight week basic training course and as a co-trainer in a yearlong advanced training group.
Ms. Caspi has the rare combination of both the technical skills of non-violent communication, and the understanding of human needs and defenses that block cooperative and clear communication. She is quick to understand the defenses that manifest themselves in human interactions. Aya is always skillful in providing appropriate suggestions to the parties on methods, for deeper understanding of the needs present. It takes intuitive insight, and experience to acquire this skill. Aya is respected and held with deep affection by her students and fellow trainers. I have found her to be extremely helpful, in explaining how non-violent communication principles could be applied to my work as an Attorney. Ms. Caspi combines warmth, professionalism and a nuanced understanding of how the mosaic of human needs manifest themselves in communication. She is a total asset to the local NVC community.