



Astrid Hugen

“ NVC with Aya is an eye opening, life-redefining experience. I learnt practical tools to communicate with others in a truly connecting manner, while developing a new sense of self (through self empathy and reclaiming innocence). It was wonderful to be able to share compassion during those unprecedented isolating times. I'm always amazed at how easy it becomes to connect with total strangers through the power of NVC. I (re)discovered the power of empathy, how we are interconnected and how behind every action, every word we say, there is a need we are trying to care for. Aya delivers a message of peace and teaches how to put it in practice. ”
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Bren Hardt, Founder and Chair Emeritus, HoustonNVC.org

" Aya Caspi presented a course in October 2024, at the request of HoustonNVC.org, called “Transforming Conflict at Home and Beyond”. It was profoundly impactful to me especially her phrasing for “The Assumption of Innocence” for all humans and our capacity to ground in our own goodness before responding to someone’s expression of needs not met by our action. I also loved Aya’s slide explaining “The Paradox of Responsibility.” This one related to the real zinger for me, her slide called “Interdependence” and the 4 points she makes about that. The ramifications of the law of the universe, interdependence, sank deeper into my soul when she said that with interdependence comes care that all unmet needs of others are also unmet needs for us. Dr. Rosenberg had said this in a provocative way when he remarked (paraphrasing) that his need for food would not be fully met as long as there was even one hungry person on the planet. If you see another course offered by CNVC certified trainer, Aya Caspi, I hope you will consider enrolling. Check out her website www.ReclaimingLifeNVC.com and look for some powerful videos that she has created about her work for peace in the world. "

JoEllen DeNicola

“ The NVC weekend on Speaking Truth with Care was my first experience of non violent communication work. I was touched and excited by the authenticity of the trainers and the participants. The breakout sessions for those of us new to NVC were great. I learned the NVC foundations and practiced them with others.   I recommend this course to those that are seeking to understand their personal needs and express them to others in ways that they can be heard. I also found that it opened new ways to enter into empathy with others. Thank you Aya, Nora, Nalini and Eric for creating such a supportive environment. ”


“ Thank you for sharing about your longings and life’s seeking to  find ways to live LOVE in every moment, and your demonstrations of how that actually can work, using only what arose in the group. At the end of the class I was amazed at how much “non violent communication” happened with your gentle guidance with very little of what I would describe as didactic teachings... I  learned a lot just witnessing how you facilitated the group. ”

Jane Middelton, facilitator and coach, Scotland

“ Aya inspires me to keep opening my heart.  Her devotion to living love astounds me and she is someone I would turn to if I ever needed support as a parent. The experience I took from the programme supported me in the work I do with parents as well as my personal healing journey. ”

Rulik Perla, MFT, rulik@wildblue.com, www.soulfulcounseling.com

“ Aya has an outstanding capacity and talent to bring peaceful and deep awareness to any relational situation. Her participation often leads to new possibilities and solutions. I witnessed her as a NVC (Non-Violence-Communication) trainer and moderator and as a business consultant. Her work in NVC left a positive impact on many people in the community and created a spirit of openness and cooperation that resonates far beyond the actual NVC circle. She was also instrumental in helping many interpersonal and relationship issues in our community reach resolution. As a business consultant she was able to single handedly transform a contentious and negative working environment into one of cooperation and vision. Respectfully. ”

Gayle Womack

“ I have had the opportunity to participate in a class led by Aya Caspi over the past 6 months as well as attending a Year Long Training class with her. She has wonderful communicating skills along with a very unique ability to stay connected while speaking with you. In the short time I have known her and she has demonstrated such caring and compassion that I know I want to achieve this in my life's work. Through discussions with Aya, I have become aware that the many skills she has, have been utilized throughout her lifetime and in any area where she has lived and been an active part of her community. She serves others with a high level of compassion, spiritual and intuitive communication skills. I believe that through her excellent training she is an asset to our community and believe that she is a significant contributor in promoting and teaching Compassionate Communication. Sincerely. ”

Pieternal Jilesen

“ I met Aya and her family 4 years ago, They became our neighbors. Shortly after we both were interested in communication and Aya started to study NVC and I was marveled about Aya's communication interest and skills and intent to support and educate other people. Her longing for growth in a compassionate way. Aya started to coach and study and helped to communicate with many people, groups, neighbors, friends and children. Her passion has grown into an ability to help others translate their needs and educate and support this aspect in many areas of her life including her family. Her ability to empathize and verbalize and heal and educate are extraordinary. I have seen her in different classes teaching and working with people. Aya has inspired me in many ways to deepen my communication skills. ”

William Sebrans, LifeCoach

“ I would like in this note to lend testimony and support for Aya in her effective work in facilitating NVC, also known as compassionate communication.. I was exposed to NVC 4 years ago through a two-day workshop in Nevada City and subsequent reading on my own...Though I appreciated the principles of NVC around getting to core needs, and its potential benefits in improving and uplifting all manner of relationships, my first exposure to it in practice seemed a bit awkward ,. . . despite the clearly good intentions of all involved. My experience with Aya during my attendance at about six group meetings locally, plus my subsequent interaction with her outside the group setting, was inviting, moving and useful. In her personal manner, she carries the warm and passionate commitment to living the principles of compassionate communication: Among those principles are an uncompromising care for others; and her own well-being, radically attentive listening, and devotion to revealing what's true in any situation for the highest good of all. This way of being , for me, transcends technique, and is necessary for any "techniques" to be transformative. In her professional approach, she consistently demonstrated her skills as a facilitator and her willingness to be an on-going learner… Through her presentation, I have found that I have been able to simplify a route to my own peace around certain life issues, and have a greater willingness, interest and ability to both get and respond to what's being communicated by others at the deepest level. Sincerely. ”


“ Dear Aya, I am writing this letter to let you know how much you have helped me in making my interactions with other people at work, in the midst of family affairs and within friends, a more productive and nurturing ones, having learned from you the art of Non-violent-communication skills during the time I was working for Renaissance Winery, and you came to help all the workers resolve issues and complaints. We then (my co-workers and I)learned, thanks to you, how to express our feelings free of negative emotions like anger, resentment or blame. We learned how to deal with problems at work in a civilized and compassionate way, putting ourselves in the other person(s) feet, understanding and viewing from the other people's point of view, trying to resolve the matter in a most productive way for everyone, achieving the goal of a WIN-WIN situation. Therefore serve this letter to accentuate my gratitude towards your efforts in making our lives together more positive and bearable ones. Sincerely.  ”

Eli Jenkins

“ Aya Caspi brought NVC (Non-Violent Communication) to our community through Saturday meetings for more than a year. Through these meetings many relationships with people I thought I knew have been transformed and deepened. With exquisite care and skill, Aya has demonstrated how simple it can be to clarify communication and connect much more deeply with empathy. Aya has demonstrated with consistent presence how even in the most charged circumstances it is possible to bring ease and resume communication on common ground by seeing the mutual needs behind the strategies we commonly use. I am now seeing how important communication with empathy is for relating with anyone, be they a stranger, co-worker, friend or family. With each person whose life is touched by Aya's work, the community moves from concept to realization. I greatly appreciate Aya's dauntless efforts in knitting our community together. ”

A. Wagner

“ Aya has an amazing gift - her ability to empathize and guide people to better communication and relationships is truly special. She offers an education on NVC principles and skills in a way that is direct and practical. Thank you! ”


“ Since that time I have been able to be on a few calls with her, and happily registered to be on a series of 8 calls with her in Winter/Spring 2018. Each session brought examples of Aya’s ability to be genuine, open and authentic, in both her celebrations and in some mournings. She is very attuned to the needs of individuals within the group, and is able to track who needs attention with apparent ease. Her ability to reflect what has been said and to "cut to the chase” with accuracy and precision and curiosity helped me to improve my own ability to sense and guess at what needs were under the pain or the celebration. She had participants from the USA as well as Canada and Germany. The sense of community Aya was able to create, maintain and encourage in these 8 sessions was remarkable. Perhaps it helped to have known Aya and shared 7 days with her in person, but for me, the Zoom calls were a kind of coming-home, a settling-in safe place, where curiosity, transparency and courage were modelled and encouraged. Blessings to you, Aya!  With a grateful, inspired heart. ”

Robyn Caywood

“ I am an NVC trainer and have had the opportunity to work with Aya in several settings over the past two years. In the course of those two years I have witnessed her passion for NVC, her skill at supporting people through challenging emotions with empathy and coaching, and her unwavering compassion and trust in humanity. I also now consider her a close friend; I watch how she lives the qualities of life that she values with so much integrity and fearlessness. I see her living her values in her parenting, her marriage, her career, her spiritual life and her friendships. She has been a solid support for me when I have needed it as well. I'd like to speak to why Aya is different from other NVC trainers...... Aya brings such unique gifts to the work that She does. I associate the words “fierce love” with her. She is authentically present and open-hearted with others, which builds trust with the people she is supporting; allowing them to express themselves in a way that is safely contained so they can move towards healing. She is highly skilled at hearing what is important to someone; even when the person is not yet aware of it themselves. And she is able to maintain care for herself while supporting others. She has integrated NVC into her life and is able to teach the concepts in a clear and do-able way. And she brings other gifts that cannot be learned from a book; modeling how to live NVC; how to live our values while holding ourselves and others with care. I have often heard her talk about transforming the world. And I know from the lives she has touched that she has already started. Warmly. ”


“ It has been my privilege to know Aya, in the context of her work as a Non-Violent (Compassionate) communication trainer, in an eight week basic training course and as a co-trainer in a yearlong advanced training group. Ms. Caspi has the rare combination of both the technical skills of non-violent communication, and the understanding of human needs and defenses that block cooperative and clear communication. She is quick to understand the defenses that manifest themselves in human interactions. Aya is always skillful in providing appropriate suggestions to the parties on methods, for deeper understanding of the needs present. It takes intuitive insight, and experience to acquire this skill. Aya is respected and held with deep affection by her students and fellow trainers. I have found her to be extremely helpful, in explaining how non-violent communication principles could be applied to my work as an Attorney. Ms. Caspi combines warmth, professionalism and a nuanced understanding of how the mosaic of human needs manifest themselves in communication. She is a total asset to the local NVC community. Very truly yours. ”

Maria Fraser

“ I first met Aya in June 2011, when she started an NVC (Non-Violent Communication) Practice Group in Oregon House where I am living. I had previously read Marshall Rosenberg's book, and also participated in another group about 40 miles away. While I found my first practice group valuable as an introduction to NVC, the commute (due to the time commitment, and gas prices) made it difficult to continue, and I was happy to discover that Aya was willing to start a group here, which was particularly appealing to me, as I am especially interested in connecting with people in the community where I live. I find Aya's commitment to NVC inspiring and encouraging, as she joyfully communicates with a great sense of integrity her enthusiasm for the value of NVC both on an individual basis, and to enhance our connection with family, friends, and local community. I deeply appreciate the kindness with which she holds the care and well-being of others, while maintaining an awareness of her own feelings and needs, as it provides an environment of emotional safety that allows for the desire to show one's vulnerability and share what is truly alive in us, regardless of the pain stimulated by our personal experiences. These weekly sessions of support that Aya offers provide me with an opportunity to not only develop my own consciousness in how I relate to others, but equally importantly the possibility to heal from past emotional wounds and suffering. Since I have been attending Aya's practice groups, I have observed the following benefits to my well-being: I have finally felt confident enough to actually participate in a group setting, as previously this was such a source of anxiety for me that I was unable to speak coherently or without blushing, and this difficulty has prevented me from connecting with others, and participating at events where I would like to be able to contribute, but have been unable to do so. I find that I am more able to really be present when I am speaking to others, and have a greater ability to hear what others are saying, and the feelings and needs they wish to express from this communication. I have found that people come alive when they know that they are being truly heard, and have had many occasions to see people transformed, becoming more open, making continuous eye contact, and smiling. I have more of a desire to be vulnerable, and share with others what is really happening in my life without a feeling of embarrassment or shame, as I see that feelings and needs are universal, and we all have similar experiences that can help us connect with one another, and see each other's humanity, rather than focusing on our differences of opinion. I am able to recognize life-alienating methods of communication that focus on what is wrong with others or myself, and move towards a language that acknowledges choice, and alsoresponsibility for how I think, feel, and behave, which is liberating, and leads to conflict resolution in a way that is satisfying to all parties.I am gradually starting to become more connected with my own needs, and finding ways to address them while at the same time valuing the needs of others equally, and looking for compassionate, alternative solutions where the needs of everyone are met without involving any compromise. I now experience my life in a more meaningful way, as I am becoming aligned with a sense of honesty and integrity in terms of how I interact with others. I have a genuine desire to express my appreciation for others, and to make requests of others to enrich each of our lives. In summary, I would like to say that Aya is providing an extremely valuable service to both individuals and the community, and is a catalyst for vastly improving our quality of life, and providing us with the tools that enable us to share the joy, compassion, and significance of NVC with others.  With much gratitude. ”

Iulian Damian

“ About one year ago I started to attend a NVC gathering here in Oregon House, with the aim of learning how to better communicate and connect with other people. Although I knew Aya for many years, it was in this particular context that I got to know her in a much deeper and beautiful way, and to witness with joy her passion and love for this subject. Being one of the leading teachers, she immediately attracted my attention through her openness, courage, and her excellent skills in teaching the art of non-violent communication. Some of the qualities that stand out in a particular way are her capacity for insight, and her deep understanding. She is able to intuitively sense beyond words, to look into people’s hearts with compassion. In her presence, I feel comfortable to become vulnerable and expose my feelings. She has helped me many times in connecting with my own needs and finding a different way of communicating that leads to connection and harmony. I believe she is a very gifted teacher and I consider that her work is very important in helping people connect to each other and themselves harmoniously. Although there may be other good teachers, Aya is unique for me and other people from this community. She is part of our NVC family. I believe there are many other people who can greatly benefit from the gifts she has to offer. I am looking forward to deepening my work under her guidance. It is a privilege to have her here. ”

Jennifer Vinsky

“ I wanted to send you my gratitude for your role in my NVC training during the last two workshops at the Chico Dharma Center. I came into the workshops not really knowing what to expect and feeling somewhat alone. I had had very little prior experience with NVC concepts and I felt I did not know enough to be included in the weekend-long trainings. I just want you to know that this feeling changed for me from the first day, especially because you were so supportive of each person there. I felt welcomed and understood by you, even when there were no words flying about the room, and during the class, whether in large-group or small-group settings, your explanations and insights so often made the connection for me between the concepts of NVC and the real-life understanding. I realized early on that your expertise with NVC and your true connection to and empathy for other people is a real gift and a real treasure that can really make a difference. I also witnessed many other people who benefitted from being in small groups with you. I heard the stories of insights gained, ones that could change people's lives for the better in deep ways. I am so happy to have met you and hope to see you again soon, leading the life you were obviously meant to lead, helping people to grasp the wonderful hope and beauty of nonviolence. Thank you so much. ”


“ Aya Caspi organized a very respectful and effective online learning lab that encouraged me to share openly and authentically. The learning lab included lessons, exercises, and role-playing that enhanced my understanding of the NVC material and how to integrate it into my everyday life. The instructor and fellow students were supportive throughout by providing additional opportunities to practice NVC outside of the regular 8-week course schedule. Overall my learning expectations were far exceeded! I had hoped to learn how to communicate more compassionately and effectively in my professional and personal life. I did not realize how much I would also learn about how to love myself, how to identify and express my needs, and to how change my inner dialogue to that which supports empathy for myself and others. This learning not only helped me to put the principles of NVC into action, but it also helped me to integrate other tools that I had acquired elsewhere for overcoming trauma. In addition to improving my communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills, the NVC learning lab with Aya Caspi provided the missing piece of the puzzle for my recovery from trauma. It was and continues to be life changing! ”


“ This workshop helped me become a better listener of other people’s needs, and a better communicator of my own needs. Through a combination of demonstration, enquiry, and role-playing, involving both real and imagined situations, the workshop provided hands-on practice to ensure that the concepts really stick. The participants were all interested and attentive, which is always helpful in this kind of interactive workshop. Even though I consider myself a good communicator, I learned a lot, and became a better communicator over the weekend. ”

Steve Peppercorn

“ I have recently completed an online NVC workshop with Aya Caspi. It was a wonderful experience that brought learning and unexpected comfort. Aya has a gift for knowing how to connect with people. She listens and is able to seamlessly respond while tuning into people’s feelings. She is intelligent, kind, and remains fully present with whoever she is communicating with. It was a wonderful experience! I am planning on learning more from her by attending one of her retreats. ”


“ Aya’s understanding and integration of NVC consciousness is very deep. In moments of pain and discomfort in the community, I have seen how she follows connection as a steady beacon. I have great trust in her capacity to hold the needs of the whole with skill and compassion with joy. ”


“ Thank you Aya, for holding the spirituality of NVC. Along with tools offered through classes, I received your alive presence. Your passion and devotion (that is very contagious) allowed the presence for all participants in vulnerability and trust. Consequently my vulnerability and trust continued being with me in everyday life, and Magic of world showed its new face. We see each other, only are still clumsy in expressing and sharing it. NVC holds our hand and teaches how to show that we see, how to acknowledge that we seen. I can be vulnerable, it’s empowering! ”

Carole Orr

“ ... Aya is a truly gifted NVC trainer and is an excellent facilitator. She is always prepared with a topic and is very skilled at keeping us on track and is good at walking us through scenarios that relate to the topic she has set. She is also great at incorporating into the discussion whatever spontaneously comes up... I find that the more I engage and practice with Aya, the greater chance that, even under pressure, my first response is one that grows from an NVC consciousness. If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of NVC, I urge you to consider signing up too. ”

Hope Moffatt, CNVC Certified Trainer, Canada

“ Each session brought examples of Aya’s ability to be genuine, open and authentic, in both her celebrations and in some mournings. She is very attuned to the needs of individuals within the group, and is able to track who needs attention with apparent ease. Her ability to reflect what has been said and to "cut to the chase” with accuracy and precision and curiosity helped me to improve my own ability to sense and guess at what needs were under the pain or the celebration. She had participants from the USA as well as Canada and Germany. The sense of community Aya was able to create, maintain and encourage in these 8 sessions was remarkable. ”

Nancy Clark

“ I found Aya's course in Nonviolent Communication is a journey in reclaiming my voice.  Once I was introduced to the basic core of NVC, observation, feelings, needs, request, I found I was able to slowly participate in any conversation.  This has not been the case for most of my life.  The once a week meetings held time to practice our own unique style of NVC, support each others unique style of NVC, and Aya', keen translation of our unique style of NVC always is full of opening up further insight into communicating with the most likely hood of positive results.    Bonus, and I have acquired a new group of allies and support.  Spreading the  NVC word. ”

Natalia Williams

“ Aya is a tremendously skilled teacher. Her abilities as a mediator and communication facilitator are unparalleled. The fearlessness, but also care, with which she faces difficult conversations is awe inspiring. She has a true gift, but one that is borne of real and deep work. ..Aya guides participants with a combination of teachings and real life practice, offering students opportunities to implement concrete changes in their way of communicating. Aya always practices the utmost care and respect for participants, but at the same time supportively challenges students to shift their thinking and communicating, and GROW.  Aya's teachings have resulted in subtle shifts in my mindset which has had a profound impact on the way I communicate and interact with colleagues, family and friends. The class has helped me develop a very different understanding of "conflict," and has helped me find a path to empathizing and supporting others, while still caring for my own needs.  I feel extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Aya. ”

Thea Blair

“ I enjoy Aya's presentation of NVC, because it is never stale. In every session she shines a light on a new topic, revealing her own insights as well as those of others, giving me a broader understanding of what it means to be nonviolent. Always there is ample time to practice with others. I enjoy this learning by doing and I also enjoy belonging to a community of learners. But I think I learn the most by witnessing the magic of Aya's interactions with others. She is so imbued with the ethos of nonviolence that it doesn't seem like a practice, but a way of being. I find that more and more I am letting go of the concept of "enemy" and acquiring a sense of connection to others that includes seeing disagreements as an opportunity to clarify our needs and find ways of meeting them that makes everyone feel good. Thank you for making a positive impact on my spiritual growth. I have just made a major life decision and the processes I have practiced in your classes have helped me resolve fears and other emotional obstacles so that I can make this move feeling free and deliberate and joyful about my choice. I also feel amazement and gratitude that I can let go of old habits, through the sometimes strenuous, but certainly simple process of reclaiming my innocence. That seems like a miracle, like an answer to a question I have been persistently been asking for many years. ”

Dexter Nardella

“ I've been learning/practicing NVC for over a decade and have studied with a number of great teachers/mentors.  Aya is one of my favorites. Her teaching seems to come genuinely from her strong caring heart and with the understanding of a sage. Look no further, Aya is compassionate communication in the flesh. ”


“ I have gained tremendously, both personally and professionally, from my contacts with Aya Caspi. It has been liberating to experience, through Non-Violent Communication (NVC) the idea that we all have universal needs that we do our best to get met, and that we need empathy for not only our own needs, but for the needs of others in our lives as well. Being able to get in touch with this "innocence" reduces blame and criticism and  increases empathy for what's going on for the "other. I participated in Aya's online class as well as the additional sessions with her colleague and with "empathy sessions" with another workshop attendee. Through discussion and role play, Aya very wisely and sensitively taught us the important elements of NVC. Other attendees, along with myself, were able to apply these concepts in our own lives. A huge benefit for me was being able to feel far less emotionally churned up when a difficult situation arose in my extended family. Rather than react with criticism and judgment, or be outraged at the other person's behavior, I was able to much more calmly try to understand what was going on for them, to put myself in their shoes, and as a result, get to a more peaceful place than would otherwise have been the case. I was happy that this family member agreed to meet online with Aya and me in private sessions together and to discuss the issues and challenges. The conversations were far more collaborative and productive than would have been the case had we tried this on our own without Aya's help. Aya presented  us with a roadmap, and with her caring (yet firm) guidance, the conversations were healing and calming. Additionally, I am a psychologist specializing in working with couples and families. Even after decades in the field, there was much to learn from Aya and NVC. In particular, helping couples not view the other in pathological ways and helping them to first acknowledge the needs of their partner before speaking about their own needs and feelings, has been particularly useful. Caring and connection are certainly enhanced when one is able to feel empathy from the other and to also feel empathy for his/her own needs and feelings. In sum, I think there is a great deal to learn from NVC, and Aya is very skilled at not only teaching this, but also modeling it in her own behavior. Both personally and professionally, I have gained a great deal and am most appreciative. ”

Selene Aitken, CNVC certified trainer

“ Aya's teaching refreshes and confirms my commitment to NVC which began in 1996. I feel inspired and joyful when I experience the depth she goes to and the way she brings this depth alive in the course of a class. Even having so much more experience (sometimes in Life, sometimes in NVC) than the folks with whom I did small group sharing, I loved the connection and gained support and help with some significant issues in my life. ”

Katlen E.

“ I recently attended a NVC workshop with Aya in Southern California. I was particularly impressed with Aya’s ability to listen and sensing and for holding space for all participants with an open heart.  Her guidance through the process of understanding the NVC concepts are gentle and compassionate, emphasizing that we are all spiritual beings longing for connection and belonging and that all of our needs matter.  I feel inspired to continue the journey of inner and outer balance and I thank Aya for her guidance. ”

Monica Espinoza, CNVC Certification Candidate

“ I am grateful for both the depth and simplicity of the two day NVC intensive.  It was a unique opportunity to explore deeper layers of healing and empathy individually and collectively. The real-life labs helped me to witness the interconnectedness of our challenges, vulnerabilities as well as longings.  I found the steps in transforming judgments to deeper needs a handy tool to remember and use an ongoing basis.  It was a poetic movement of intentions and a spiral of resonant loveliness.  Deeply grateful. ”

Andrea Nila Negron

“ I so much appreciate Aya's service, which helps me to continue to grow. I thought the series was gracefully executed and was very rich with the examples that were brought forward by the group. I feel hopeful witnessing so many sincere, courageous people. I enjoyed the focus on the spiritual aspects of NVC as it seemed to tap into the most essential part. The depth of Aya's integration of the NVC consciousness continues to impress me and it shines through her in even the smallest interaction. It's not easy for me to speak up in a group that size, but it was somewhat easier in the smaller breakout groups and I will continue to stretch myself towards more participation. I really liked having the option to listen to the classes again on the recordings. ”

Laura Cuda

“ Aya Caspi’s courses are about so  much more than skillful communication.  The approach is to distill our message down to its core truth, which is based on the most innocent and basic needs that are tied to our very survival as humans.  Reclaiming Wholeness brought me through the process of peeling back the layers of thought, created by social expectation and other external forces, that tend to blind me to my own humanity.  I left each class uplifted and in a state of clarity.  I felt a deeper appreciation for myself and the rest of the world, as opposed to shame about  my “flawed” thinking.  Once in touch with my higher intentions, the right words flow naturally.  I so looked forward to each session.  These classes have inspired me to make NVC an ongoing practice. ”

Matthew Malecha, CNVC certification candiate

“ Even after studying NVC for 8 years in a very deep way, I found a rich newness and inspiration from taking part in Aya's 'Reclaiming Wholeness' series. The language and processes she offers are incredibly rich, simple, and aligned with the spirit of NVC. The flow was logical, directed, and interconnected. And the words resonate at a deep level, painting a beautiful and complete portrait of NVC. I felt moved and impacted by this workshop. ”

Jozelle Wong Yu

“ Aya’s leading of The Alchemy of Conflict Transformation series so clearly revealed to me the importance of caring for everyone’s needs when engaging in conflict situations, seeing that our liberation is inextricably interdependent. I especially appreciated Aya bringing both theory and practice into every session, by centering each class in the heart of NVC consciousness while walking us through the practical skills for engaging modern scenarios, including the personal and political challenges of our day. It’s been amazing to witness my relationships (including the one with myself) transform as I continue to practice what I’ve learned in the course. So much gratitude for Aya, Nora, and my classmates… ”

Sam Lee

“ Everything from the grounding quotes, from Rumi and Marshall and others to the actual healing process was like full course meal stretched over 5 weeks.  I appreciate the many integration self empathy practices.  I feel deeply touched to witness each weeks actual process and practice in real time with the helpful (PDF steps)  The whole Reclaiming Holi-days experience each week is truly a treat to look forward.  And reconnecting back to our natural innocence wisdom within and developing in that trust. -  In the actual practice I felt support of the sacred space within our zoom group.  And with connecting to the aliveness in the moment of my feelings and needs under the judging thoughts is healing process I value taking ownership of each own thoughts. The NVC - reclaiming processes helps awaken my awareness and further stretches my self empathy integration practice. I appreciate the depth of my own growth and learning in a safe sacred space. ”

Hope Davis

“ The series of classes .......... taught by Aya Caspi, changed the way I want to walk in the world. Through her compassionate and heartfelt desire to help others find the place in them that will start changing their own lives as well as the others around her, she has shifted for me, quite literally, my view of the world and my own place in it. This class is a must for anyone interested in getting closer to their own truth, as well as the skills necessary to communicate in a way that draws each of us closer to one another. ”

Andrei, CA

“ Aya's ability to listen, hear, all rooted in presence and deep attention, set a new bar for me as to how we humans could aspire to interact, not only to (re)solve conflicts, but on a day to day basis. A new vision of "conscious relating" was midwifed into existence by Aya.  There are mirrors that reflect your image better than your own sight could perceive it, if you could stand beside yourself and watch-especially if the heart is cloudy.  Aya is such a mirror, which remains an inspiration and a model for me. I am grateful that her soul dwells in the same age as I happen to be visiting here. ”

Ingrid Hyord

“ Aya offers a safe place to show up and practice speaking up with what is alive inside even when fragile, scared thoughts/ patterns of separation or confusion or shame are present and suggest to be quiet. Aya masterfully supports a safe and stimulating environment to explore what really matters for each person even when it is not agreed on with another and skillfully brings it  to the surface.  I so appreciate her example of standing grounded in Presence with an open heart and sharp mind even in the midst of adversity and still offer acceptance and love to the other.  In brief...... Aya  has a skillful mastery in teaching how to discover what is most alive inside and allow it to emerge so that barriers can dissolve and an offering of connection and clarity be made.  YesI  Brilliant! ”


“ I feel enriched by the NVC workshop Aya led in January in the beautiful Robinson Gardens in Beverly Hills.  I found this workshop to have an Immense Influence on the “collective I”: It was Intense, Intelligent, Informative, Insightful, Inspiring, Intimate. Aya instilled in me an insatiable interest in this incredible subject and its tools for better communication. I’m still basking in her NVC glow, hoping for a lasting effect. With warm gratitude. ”


“ I have worked with four NVC facilitators now and they all contribute their unique perspective that helps broaden and deepen my experience.  Aya took my skills to a new level with her excellence in modelling empathy - reflecting, interrupting and taking action.  Her notes and practice suggestions generously met my need for gaining more fluency in NVC.  I greatly appreciated the recordings and the practice sessions as well for the same reason.  She is very focussed, organized and checks carefully to make sure everyone is feeling connected.  I am looking forward to taking more of her courses to develop more ease with my skills. ”

Allison Gause

“ I appreciated the talks that Aya gave to introduce the concepts and exercises. I also gained a lot from the honest sharing by participants. The group exercises were very important to be able to see how the different processes can transform our way of approaching each other. I learned that I have tools to reconnect with my innocence inside and to trust the feelings in my body. I also overcame some of my fears about speaking honestly and sharing my experiences in front of people. ”

Lynn Thomas

“ I was inspired by the way Aya taught from the way of being she has that has integrated NVC so much into her being and her spirituality.  Being invited to include the joy and pain of my spiritual aspect in what she was teaching, I felt much more eager to learn.. Aya showed Care for herself and celebration of her courage and effort.  From that I felt more connection with her as another human and was reminded of the importance of celebrating my own courage in taking on challenges (which is easy for us in this society to forget to do).  I admired her ability to show deep respect of students in checking if they felt complete with their process with her and respect for the needs for the whole in choosing at a certain point to not take more questions in order to go forward with offering teaching and opportunities for us to practice them in breakouts. ”

Luz Helena

“ This NVC course had a profound impact on my understanding of my own communication patterns and what they reveal about where the "work" still is for me. It also increased my confidence in having those difficult conversations with others. I realized that I was often afraid of difficult conversations because I feared saying the wrong thing. Well that's because I sometimes would default to a pattern of blaming someone else for what I was feeling rather than getting really vulnerable about my own pain, jealousy etc. I put this into practice and immediately experienced how others would respond with their own vulnerable truth when I lead with it. This course supported me during a time where I needed to have several edgy conversations and they went really well and restored connection or deepened connection in a few relationships in my life. Thank you both again so very much!!! Many blessings. ”


“ Aya thank you so much for your insights and your modeling of NVC. I love your courageousness. The way you choose to facilitate is so heartening for me. It was amazing to be taking NVC from you during the 2020 presidential elections. You didn't shy away from talking about politics through the NVC lense. Also, when a real conflict arose in class, you brought it forth (with both people's consent of course) and used it as a teaching example, helping them to resolve the conflict. I admire your walking the talk of finding your empowerment. Finding the courage to speak your truth with love. Thank you Aya. ”

Reed Goodey

“ Aya’s ability to teach in such a heartfelt manner comes across so clearly. She embodies NVC as I have never seen any trainer do before, except for Marshall Rosenberg himself. She has embodied the teaching in a way that she can transmit the teachings with precision and care. ”

Kara Nance, CNVC Certification Candidate

“ The Alchemy of Conflict series is a wonderful way to increase your capacity to handle the high conflict areas in your life. The skills Aya teaches during this class are applicable to any conflict situation, whether it’s personal, professional, or political. Aya’s commitment to nonviolence is inspiring and she holds the class with a level of competency, compassion, and professionalism that makes the experience one that will expand the way you see high conflict situations and make you more confident in your ability to navigate them with kindness, strength, and integrity. ”

Sarah Spector

“ Aya is a teacher who is vulnerable, authentic and caring. She invokes and demonstrates a world of velvety softness - and of deep veracity. In this world, she lives the example of a world where every desire, longing, and need in the group  is upheld, cherished and protected. She provides this example both with vigilance and elegance - creating a vividly felt experience of how possible it is to sink into the deep peace in one’s heart (compassion [for self and the world]) that seems rare today...yet with her guidance, increasingly possible. One gravitates to her like a moth to a soft, strong, peaceful flame. The emotional environment she creates and maintains stands, finally, a potent reminder for all those fortunate enough to come into contact with her...of with how miraculous it really can be to be living a human experience in this world. ”

Lynda Vu

“ Aya truly embodies the essence of NVC consciousness, seamlessly tending to the many needs of the group, and doing so with care and compassion. This course addressed many relevant topics, especially in today's climate, including power and privilege, and strategies from an NVC lens on how to dismantle some of the challenges that arise within this context. She doesn't shy away from harder topics and in fact courageously walks towards them with the faith that the tools she has learned through the many years of training will support her in navigating these difficult situations. This was my first class with her and it is useful to see this modeled. The NVC application process will require time for digesting, learning and unlearning of old patterns, but having a small group to work with and the printed material she sends to return to again and again gives me a good starting point to do this work. If you are wanting to take a deeper dive into doing this type of transformational and healing work within yourself and your communities, I highly suggest taking a course with Aya. ”

Emily Brown

“ This class found me at the right time. My husband and I had been talking for months about how NVC fits into our spiritual lives, and I was yearning for guidance. For these five weeks, I was blessed to have Aya as that guide. Her exploration of vulnerability, in particular, has opened a new chapter in our lives. We are conscious, now, of deeper yearnings beneath our immediate "needs," and we find grace and surrender in those reaching, grasping feelings. We are blessed with a hundred thousand opportunities to be vulnerable, every day, and in so doing, to embody holiness. Thank you, Aya, for the opportunity to be vulnerable with you. ”

Andrea Nila Negron

“ It is such a gift for me to be alive at the same time as Aya Caspi so that I have the opportunity to have her as my teacher. Writing this, I have tears because what she offers in service has profoundly impacted me in these past two years. It is difficult for me to put into words how much it means to me. It's as if I was digging around in a pile of rocks and discovered a very precious gem, and I still can't believe my good luck and fortune. ”


“ I went to the Reclaiming Resilience workshops seeking a way to make sense of how I found myself feeling and behaving, to find a way to converse with myself, and to hopefully discover a way to reclaim my sense of being. I was trying to deal with a lot of anger, anxiety and unhappiness, and I had stopped understanding why I was responding to situations the way I was. Now, thanks to you (and Manasi and the other participants in the workshops), I have a framework, a vocabulary, a set of practical actions, which help me understand myself and the world around me more clearly, and behave in a manner which (I like to hope) is more affirmative, less judgmental, more supportive of, and less painful for, both myself and those around me.  I try to apply the principles and practice of NVC in my thoughts and conversations now, and it feels incredibly empowering to be able to engage with myself and the world from a place of strength and contentment. I thank you with all my heart for the perspective that I have learnt from you, for your kindness and your honesty, and for doing all that you did in those workshops to teach us to live authentic lives. ”


“ I attended a workshop you put on at For Goodness Sake in Truckee a few years ago, and still believe with certainty that it was one of the most valuable afternoons of my adult life. What I walked away with was enlightening and has allowed me to change the way I approach, communicate and interact, not only with my own family, but with the world around me. ”

Jessie Austin, USA

“ Meeting Aya has been nothing short of life changing for me.  As a human, a partner, and a parent.  Not only do I feel completely seen and heard by her, but she offers very practical tools for helping solve family conflicts.  She is helping me grow into the parent and human being that I long to be, and I cherish the time I get to spend with her every month. ”

Rachel Turiel

“ Aya’s calls have both a spiritual and practical application. Participating in these calls gives me tools for my work coaching clients on communication, and more space to embrace everyone's humanity, my own included. Aya transmits principles of Nonviolent Communication with clarity and care while navigating the messier moments that arise with a skill and integrity that demonstrates her capacity to hold the whole with dignity. ”

Astrid Hugen

“ NVC with Aya is an eye opening, life-redefining experience. I learnt practical tools to communicate with others in a truly connecting manner, while developing a new sense of self (through self empathy and reclaiming innocence). It was wonderful to be able to share compassion during those unprecedented isolating times. I'm always amazed at how easy it becomes to connect with total strangers through the power of NVC. I (re)discovered the power of empathy, how we are interconnected and how behind every action, every word we say, there is a need we are trying to care for. Aya delivers a message of peace and teaches how to put it in practice. ”
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Bren Hardt, Founder and Chair Emeritus, HoustonNVC.org

" Aya Caspi presented a course in October 2024, at the request of HoustonNVC.org, called “Transforming Conflict at Home and Beyond”. It was profoundly impactful to me especially her phrasing for “The Assumption of Innocence” for all humans and our capacity to ground in our own goodness before responding to someone’s expression of needs not met by our action. I also loved Aya’s slide explaining “The Paradox of Responsibility.” This one related to the real zinger for me, her slide called “Interdependence” and the 4 points she makes about that. The ramifications of the law of the universe, interdependence, sank deeper into my soul when she said that with interdependence comes care that all unmet needs of others are also unmet needs for us. Dr. Rosenberg had said this in a provocative way when he remarked (paraphrasing) that his need for food would not be fully met as long as there was even one hungry person on the planet. If you see another course offered by CNVC certified trainer, Aya Caspi, I hope you will consider enrolling. Check out her website www.ReclaimingLifeNVC.com and look for some powerful videos that she has created about her work for peace in the world. "

JoEllen DeNicola

“ The NVC weekend on Speaking Truth with Care was my first experience of non violent communication work. I was touched and excited by the authenticity of the trainers and the participants. The breakout sessions for those of us new to NVC were great. I learned the NVC foundations and practiced them with others.   I recommend this course to those that are seeking to understand their personal needs and express them to others in ways that they can be heard. I also found that it opened new ways to enter into empathy with others. Thank you Aya, Nora, Nalini and Eric for creating such a supportive environment. ”


“ Thank you for sharing about your longings and life’s seeking to  find ways to live LOVE in every moment, and your demonstrations of how that actually can work, using only what arose in the group. At the end of the class I was amazed at how much “non violent communication” happened with your gentle guidance with very little of what I would describe as didactic teachings... I  learned a lot just witnessing how you facilitated the group. ”

Jane Middelton, facilitator and coach, Scotland

“ Aya inspires me to keep opening my heart.  Her devotion to living love astounds me and she is someone I would turn to if I ever needed support as a parent. The experience I took from the programme supported me in the work I do with parents as well as my personal healing journey. ”

Rulik Perla, MFT, rulik@wildblue.com, www.soulfulcounseling.com

“ Aya has an outstanding capacity and talent to bring peaceful and deep awareness to any relational situation. Her participation often leads to new possibilities and solutions. I witnessed her as a NVC (Non-Violence-Communication) trainer and moderator and as a business consultant. Her work in NVC left a positive impact on many people in the community and created a spirit of openness and cooperation that resonates far beyond the actual NVC circle. She was also instrumental in helping many interpersonal and relationship issues in our community reach resolution. As a business consultant she was able to single handedly transform a contentious and negative working environment into one of cooperation and vision. Respectfully. ”

Gayle Womack

“ I have had the opportunity to participate in a class led by Aya Caspi over the past 6 months as well as attending a Year Long Training class with her. She has wonderful communicating skills along with a very unique ability to stay connected while speaking with you. In the short time I have known her and she has demonstrated such caring and compassion that I know I want to achieve this in my life's work. Through discussions with Aya, I have become aware that the many skills she has, have been utilized throughout her lifetime and in any area where she has lived and been an active part of her community. She serves others with a high level of compassion, spiritual and intuitive communication skills. I believe that through her excellent training she is an asset to our community and believe that she is a significant contributor in promoting and teaching Compassionate Communication. Sincerely. ”

Pieternal Jilesen

“ I met Aya and her family 4 years ago, They became our neighbors. Shortly after we both were interested in communication and Aya started to study NVC and I was marveled about Aya's communication interest and skills and intent to support and educate other people. Her longing for growth in a compassionate way. Aya started to coach and study and helped to communicate with many people, groups, neighbors, friends and children. Her passion has grown into an ability to help others translate their needs and educate and support this aspect in many areas of her life including her family. Her ability to empathize and verbalize and heal and educate are extraordinary. I have seen her in different classes teaching and working with people. Aya has inspired me in many ways to deepen my communication skills. ”

William Sebrans, LifeCoach

“ I would like in this note to lend testimony and support for Aya in her effective work in facilitating NVC, also known as compassionate communication.. I was exposed to NVC 4 years ago through a two-day workshop in Nevada City and subsequent reading on my own...Though I appreciated the principles of NVC around getting to core needs, and its potential benefits in improving and uplifting all manner of relationships, my first exposure to it in practice seemed a bit awkward ,. . . despite the clearly good intentions of all involved. My experience with Aya during my attendance at about six group meetings locally, plus my subsequent interaction with her outside the group setting, was inviting, moving and useful. In her personal manner, she carries the warm and passionate commitment to living the principles of compassionate communication: Among those principles are an uncompromising care for others; and her own well-being, radically attentive listening, and devotion to revealing what's true in any situation for the highest good of all. This way of being , for me, transcends technique, and is necessary for any "techniques" to be transformative. In her professional approach, she consistently demonstrated her skills as a facilitator and her willingness to be an on-going learner… Through her presentation, I have found that I have been able to simplify a route to my own peace around certain life issues, and have a greater willingness, interest and ability to both get and respond to what's being communicated by others at the deepest level. Sincerely. ”


“ Dear Aya, I am writing this letter to let you know how much you have helped me in making my interactions with other people at work, in the midst of family affairs and within friends, a more productive and nurturing ones, having learned from you the art of Non-violent-communication skills during the time I was working for Renaissance Winery, and you came to help all the workers resolve issues and complaints. We then (my co-workers and I)learned, thanks to you, how to express our feelings free of negative emotions like anger, resentment or blame. We learned how to deal with problems at work in a civilized and compassionate way, putting ourselves in the other person(s) feet, understanding and viewing from the other people's point of view, trying to resolve the matter in a most productive way for everyone, achieving the goal of a WIN-WIN situation. Therefore serve this letter to accentuate my gratitude towards your efforts in making our lives together more positive and bearable ones. Sincerely.  ”

Eli Jenkins

“ Aya Caspi brought NVC (Non-Violent Communication) to our community through Saturday meetings for more than a year. Through these meetings many relationships with people I thought I knew have been transformed and deepened. With exquisite care and skill, Aya has demonstrated how simple it can be to clarify communication and connect much more deeply with empathy. Aya has demonstrated with consistent presence how even in the most charged circumstances it is possible to bring ease and resume communication on common ground by seeing the mutual needs behind the strategies we commonly use. I am now seeing how important communication with empathy is for relating with anyone, be they a stranger, co-worker, friend or family. With each person whose life is touched by Aya's work, the community moves from concept to realization. I greatly appreciate Aya's dauntless efforts in knitting our community together. ”

A. Wagner

“ Aya has an amazing gift - her ability to empathize and guide people to better communication and relationships is truly special. She offers an education on NVC principles and skills in a way that is direct and practical. Thank you! ”


“ Since that time I have been able to be on a few calls with her, and happily registered to be on a series of 8 calls with her in Winter/Spring 2018. Each session brought examples of Aya’s ability to be genuine, open and authentic, in both her celebrations and in some mournings. She is very attuned to the needs of individuals within the group, and is able to track who needs attention with apparent ease. Her ability to reflect what has been said and to "cut to the chase” with accuracy and precision and curiosity helped me to improve my own ability to sense and guess at what needs were under the pain or the celebration. She had participants from the USA as well as Canada and Germany. The sense of community Aya was able to create, maintain and encourage in these 8 sessions was remarkable. Perhaps it helped to have known Aya and shared 7 days with her in person, but for me, the Zoom calls were a kind of coming-home, a settling-in safe place, where curiosity, transparency and courage were modelled and encouraged. Blessings to you, Aya!  With a grateful, inspired heart. ”

Robyn Caywood

“ I am an NVC trainer and have had the opportunity to work with Aya in several settings over the past two years. In the course of those two years I have witnessed her passion for NVC, her skill at supporting people through challenging emotions with empathy and coaching, and her unwavering compassion and trust in humanity. I also now consider her a close friend; I watch how she lives the qualities of life that she values with so much integrity and fearlessness. I see her living her values in her parenting, her marriage, her career, her spiritual life and her friendships. She has been a solid support for me when I have needed it as well. I'd like to speak to why Aya is different from other NVC trainers...... Aya brings such unique gifts to the work that She does. I associate the words “fierce love” with her. She is authentically present and open-hearted with others, which builds trust with the people she is supporting; allowing them to express themselves in a way that is safely contained so they can move towards healing. She is highly skilled at hearing what is important to someone; even when the person is not yet aware of it themselves. And she is able to maintain care for herself while supporting others. She has integrated NVC into her life and is able to teach the concepts in a clear and do-able way. And she brings other gifts that cannot be learned from a book; modeling how to live NVC; how to live our values while holding ourselves and others with care. I have often heard her talk about transforming the world. And I know from the lives she has touched that she has already started. Warmly. ”


“ It has been my privilege to know Aya, in the context of her work as a Non-Violent (Compassionate) communication trainer, in an eight week basic training course and as a co-trainer in a yearlong advanced training group. Ms. Caspi has the rare combination of both the technical skills of non-violent communication, and the understanding of human needs and defenses that block cooperative and clear communication. She is quick to understand the defenses that manifest themselves in human interactions. Aya is always skillful in providing appropriate suggestions to the parties on methods, for deeper understanding of the needs present. It takes intuitive insight, and experience to acquire this skill. Aya is respected and held with deep affection by her students and fellow trainers. I have found her to be extremely helpful, in explaining how non-violent communication principles could be applied to my work as an Attorney. Ms. Caspi combines warmth, professionalism and a nuanced understanding of how the mosaic of human needs manifest themselves in communication. She is a total asset to the local NVC community. Very truly yours. ”

Maria Fraser

“ I first met Aya in June 2011, when she started an NVC (Non-Violent Communication) Practice Group in Oregon House where I am living. I had previously read Marshall Rosenberg's book, and also participated in another group about 40 miles away. While I found my first practice group valuable as an introduction to NVC, the commute (due to the time commitment, and gas prices) made it difficult to continue, and I was happy to discover that Aya was willing to start a group here, which was particularly appealing to me, as I am especially interested in connecting with people in the community where I live. I find Aya's commitment to NVC inspiring and encouraging, as she joyfully communicates with a great sense of integrity her enthusiasm for the value of NVC both on an individual basis, and to enhance our connection with family, friends, and local community. I deeply appreciate the kindness with which she holds the care and well-being of others, while maintaining an awareness of her own feelings and needs, as it provides an environment of emotional safety that allows for the desire to show one's vulnerability and share what is truly alive in us, regardless of the pain stimulated by our personal experiences. These weekly sessions of support that Aya offers provide me with an opportunity to not only develop my own consciousness in how I relate to others, but equally importantly the possibility to heal from past emotional wounds and suffering. Since I have been attending Aya's practice groups, I have observed the following benefits to my well-being: I have finally felt confident enough to actually participate in a group setting, as previously this was such a source of anxiety for me that I was unable to speak coherently or without blushing, and this difficulty has prevented me from connecting with others, and participating at events where I would like to be able to contribute, but have been unable to do so. I find that I am more able to really be present when I am speaking to others, and have a greater ability to hear what others are saying, and the feelings and needs they wish to express from this communication. I have found that people come alive when they know that they are being truly heard, and have had many occasions to see people transformed, becoming more open, making continuous eye contact, and smiling. I have more of a desire to be vulnerable, and share with others what is really happening in my life without a feeling of embarrassment or shame, as I see that feelings and needs are universal, and we all have similar experiences that can help us connect with one another, and see each other's humanity, rather than focusing on our differences of opinion. I am able to recognize life-alienating methods of communication that focus on what is wrong with others or myself, and move towards a language that acknowledges choice, and alsoresponsibility for how I think, feel, and behave, which is liberating, and leads to conflict resolution in a way that is satisfying to all parties.I am gradually starting to become more connected with my own needs, and finding ways to address them while at the same time valuing the needs of others equally, and looking for compassionate, alternative solutions where the needs of everyone are met without involving any compromise. I now experience my life in a more meaningful way, as I am becoming aligned with a sense of honesty and integrity in terms of how I interact with others. I have a genuine desire to express my appreciation for others, and to make requests of others to enrich each of our lives. In summary, I would like to say that Aya is providing an extremely valuable service to both individuals and the community, and is a catalyst for vastly improving our quality of life, and providing us with the tools that enable us to share the joy, compassion, and significance of NVC with others.  With much gratitude. ”

Iulian Damian

“ About one year ago I started to attend a NVC gathering here in Oregon House, with the aim of learning how to better communicate and connect with other people. Although I knew Aya for many years, it was in this particular context that I got to know her in a much deeper and beautiful way, and to witness with joy her passion and love for this subject. Being one of the leading teachers, she immediately attracted my attention through her openness, courage, and her excellent skills in teaching the art of non-violent communication. Some of the qualities that stand out in a particular way are her capacity for insight, and her deep understanding. She is able to intuitively sense beyond words, to look into people’s hearts with compassion. In her presence, I feel comfortable to become vulnerable and expose my feelings. She has helped me many times in connecting with my own needs and finding a different way of communicating that leads to connection and harmony. I believe she is a very gifted teacher and I consider that her work is very important in helping people connect to each other and themselves harmoniously. Although there may be other good teachers, Aya is unique for me and other people from this community. She is part of our NVC family. I believe there are many other people who can greatly benefit from the gifts she has to offer. I am looking forward to deepening my work under her guidance. It is a privilege to have her here. ”

Jennifer Vinsky

“ I wanted to send you my gratitude for your role in my NVC training during the last two workshops at the Chico Dharma Center. I came into the workshops not really knowing what to expect and feeling somewhat alone. I had had very little prior experience with NVC concepts and I felt I did not know enough to be included in the weekend-long trainings. I just want you to know that this feeling changed for me from the first day, especially because you were so supportive of each person there. I felt welcomed and understood by you, even when there were no words flying about the room, and during the class, whether in large-group or small-group settings, your explanations and insights so often made the connection for me between the concepts of NVC and the real-life understanding. I realized early on that your expertise with NVC and your true connection to and empathy for other people is a real gift and a real treasure that can really make a difference. I also witnessed many other people who benefitted from being in small groups with you. I heard the stories of insights gained, ones that could change people's lives for the better in deep ways. I am so happy to have met you and hope to see you again soon, leading the life you were obviously meant to lead, helping people to grasp the wonderful hope and beauty of nonviolence. Thank you so much. ”


“ Aya Caspi organized a very respectful and effective online learning lab that encouraged me to share openly and authentically. The learning lab included lessons, exercises, and role-playing that enhanced my understanding of the NVC material and how to integrate it into my everyday life. The instructor and fellow students were supportive throughout by providing additional opportunities to practice NVC outside of the regular 8-week course schedule. Overall my learning expectations were far exceeded! I had hoped to learn how to communicate more compassionately and effectively in my professional and personal life. I did not realize how much I would also learn about how to love myself, how to identify and express my needs, and to how change my inner dialogue to that which supports empathy for myself and others. This learning not only helped me to put the principles of NVC into action, but it also helped me to integrate other tools that I had acquired elsewhere for overcoming trauma. In addition to improving my communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills, the NVC learning lab with Aya Caspi provided the missing piece of the puzzle for my recovery from trauma. It was and continues to be life changing! ”


“ This workshop helped me become a better listener of other people’s needs, and a better communicator of my own needs. Through a combination of demonstration, enquiry, and role-playing, involving both real and imagined situations, the workshop provided hands-on practice to ensure that the concepts really stick. The participants were all interested and attentive, which is always helpful in this kind of interactive workshop. Even though I consider myself a good communicator, I learned a lot, and became a better communicator over the weekend. ”

Steve Peppercorn

“ I have recently completed an online NVC workshop with Aya Caspi. It was a wonderful experience that brought learning and unexpected comfort. Aya has a gift for knowing how to connect with people. She listens and is able to seamlessly respond while tuning into people’s feelings. She is intelligent, kind, and remains fully present with whoever she is communicating with. It was a wonderful experience! I am planning on learning more from her by attending one of her retreats. ”


“ Aya’s understanding and integration of NVC consciousness is very deep. In moments of pain and discomfort in the community, I have seen how she follows connection as a steady beacon. I have great trust in her capacity to hold the needs of the whole with skill and compassion with joy. ”


“ Thank you Aya, for holding the spirituality of NVC. Along with tools offered through classes, I received your alive presence. Your passion and devotion (that is very contagious) allowed the presence for all participants in vulnerability and trust. Consequently my vulnerability and trust continued being with me in everyday life, and Magic of world showed its new face. We see each other, only are still clumsy in expressing and sharing it. NVC holds our hand and teaches how to show that we see, how to acknowledge that we seen. I can be vulnerable, it’s empowering! ”

Carole Orr

“ ... Aya is a truly gifted NVC trainer and is an excellent facilitator. She is always prepared with a topic and is very skilled at keeping us on track and is good at walking us through scenarios that relate to the topic she has set. She is also great at incorporating into the discussion whatever spontaneously comes up... I find that the more I engage and practice with Aya, the greater chance that, even under pressure, my first response is one that grows from an NVC consciousness. If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of NVC, I urge you to consider signing up too. ”

Hope Moffatt, CNVC Certified Trainer, Canada

“ Each session brought examples of Aya’s ability to be genuine, open and authentic, in both her celebrations and in some mournings. She is very attuned to the needs of individuals within the group, and is able to track who needs attention with apparent ease. Her ability to reflect what has been said and to "cut to the chase” with accuracy and precision and curiosity helped me to improve my own ability to sense and guess at what needs were under the pain or the celebration. She had participants from the USA as well as Canada and Germany. The sense of community Aya was able to create, maintain and encourage in these 8 sessions was remarkable. ”

Nancy Clark

“ I found Aya's course in Nonviolent Communication is a journey in reclaiming my voice.  Once I was introduced to the basic core of NVC, observation, feelings, needs, request, I found I was able to slowly participate in any conversation.  This has not been the case for most of my life.  The once a week meetings held time to practice our own unique style of NVC, support each others unique style of NVC, and Aya', keen translation of our unique style of NVC always is full of opening up further insight into communicating with the most likely hood of positive results.    Bonus, and I have acquired a new group of allies and support.  Spreading the  NVC word. ”

Natalia Williams

“ Aya is a tremendously skilled teacher. Her abilities as a mediator and communication facilitator are unparalleled. The fearlessness, but also care, with which she faces difficult conversations is awe inspiring. She has a true gift, but one that is borne of real and deep work. ..Aya guides participants with a combination of teachings and real life practice, offering students opportunities to implement concrete changes in their way of communicating. Aya always practices the utmost care and respect for participants, but at the same time supportively challenges students to shift their thinking and communicating, and GROW.  Aya's teachings have resulted in subtle shifts in my mindset which has had a profound impact on the way I communicate and interact with colleagues, family and friends. The class has helped me develop a very different understanding of "conflict," and has helped me find a path to empathizing and supporting others, while still caring for my own needs.  I feel extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Aya. ”

Thea Blair

“ I enjoy Aya's presentation of NVC, because it is never stale. In every session she shines a light on a new topic, revealing her own insights as well as those of others, giving me a broader understanding of what it means to be nonviolent. Always there is ample time to practice with others. I enjoy this learning by doing and I also enjoy belonging to a community of learners. But I think I learn the most by witnessing the magic of Aya's interactions with others. She is so imbued with the ethos of nonviolence that it doesn't seem like a practice, but a way of being. I find that more and more I am letting go of the concept of "enemy" and acquiring a sense of connection to others that includes seeing disagreements as an opportunity to clarify our needs and find ways of meeting them that makes everyone feel good. Thank you for making a positive impact on my spiritual growth. I have just made a major life decision and the processes I have practiced in your classes have helped me resolve fears and other emotional obstacles so that I can make this move feeling free and deliberate and joyful about my choice. I also feel amazement and gratitude that I can let go of old habits, through the sometimes strenuous, but certainly simple process of reclaiming my innocence. That seems like a miracle, like an answer to a question I have been persistently been asking for many years. ”

Dexter Nardella

“ I've been learning/practicing NVC for over a decade and have studied with a number of great teachers/mentors.  Aya is one of my favorites. Her teaching seems to come genuinely from her strong caring heart and with the understanding of a sage. Look no further, Aya is compassionate communication in the flesh. ”


“ I have gained tremendously, both personally and professionally, from my contacts with Aya Caspi. It has been liberating to experience, through Non-Violent Communication (NVC) the idea that we all have universal needs that we do our best to get met, and that we need empathy for not only our own needs, but for the needs of others in our lives as well. Being able to get in touch with this "innocence" reduces blame and criticism and  increases empathy for what's going on for the "other. I participated in Aya's online class as well as the additional sessions with her colleague and with "empathy sessions" with another workshop attendee. Through discussion and role play, Aya very wisely and sensitively taught us the important elements of NVC. Other attendees, along with myself, were able to apply these concepts in our own lives. A huge benefit for me was being able to feel far less emotionally churned up when a difficult situation arose in my extended family. Rather than react with criticism and judgment, or be outraged at the other person's behavior, I was able to much more calmly try to understand what was going on for them, to put myself in their shoes, and as a result, get to a more peaceful place than would otherwise have been the case. I was happy that this family member agreed to meet online with Aya and me in private sessions together and to discuss the issues and challenges. The conversations were far more collaborative and productive than would have been the case had we tried this on our own without Aya's help. Aya presented  us with a roadmap, and with her caring (yet firm) guidance, the conversations were healing and calming. Additionally, I am a psychologist specializing in working with couples and families. Even after decades in the field, there was much to learn from Aya and NVC. In particular, helping couples not view the other in pathological ways and helping them to first acknowledge the needs of their partner before speaking about their own needs and feelings, has been particularly useful. Caring and connection are certainly enhanced when one is able to feel empathy from the other and to also feel empathy for his/her own needs and feelings. In sum, I think there is a great deal to learn from NVC, and Aya is very skilled at not only teaching this, but also modeling it in her own behavior. Both personally and professionally, I have gained a great deal and am most appreciative. ”

Selene Aitken, CNVC certified trainer

“ Aya's teaching refreshes and confirms my commitment to NVC which began in 1996. I feel inspired and joyful when I experience the depth she goes to and the way she brings this depth alive in the course of a class. Even having so much more experience (sometimes in Life, sometimes in NVC) than the folks with whom I did small group sharing, I loved the connection and gained support and help with some significant issues in my life. ”

Katlen E.

“ I recently attended a NVC workshop with Aya in Southern California. I was particularly impressed with Aya’s ability to listen and sensing and for holding space for all participants with an open heart.  Her guidance through the process of understanding the NVC concepts are gentle and compassionate, emphasizing that we are all spiritual beings longing for connection and belonging and that all of our needs matter.  I feel inspired to continue the journey of inner and outer balance and I thank Aya for her guidance. ”

Monica Espinoza, CNVC Certification Candidate

“ I am grateful for both the depth and simplicity of the two day NVC intensive.  It was a unique opportunity to explore deeper layers of healing and empathy individually and collectively. The real-life labs helped me to witness the interconnectedness of our challenges, vulnerabilities as well as longings.  I found the steps in transforming judgments to deeper needs a handy tool to remember and use an ongoing basis.  It was a poetic movement of intentions and a spiral of resonant loveliness.  Deeply grateful. ”

Andrea Nila Negron

“ I so much appreciate Aya's service, which helps me to continue to grow. I thought the series was gracefully executed and was very rich with the examples that were brought forward by the group. I feel hopeful witnessing so many sincere, courageous people. I enjoyed the focus on the spiritual aspects of NVC as it seemed to tap into the most essential part. The depth of Aya's integration of the NVC consciousness continues to impress me and it shines through her in even the smallest interaction. It's not easy for me to speak up in a group that size, but it was somewhat easier in the smaller breakout groups and I will continue to stretch myself towards more participation. I really liked having the option to listen to the classes again on the recordings. ”

Laura Cuda

“ Aya Caspi’s courses are about so  much more than skillful communication.  The approach is to distill our message down to its core truth, which is based on the most innocent and basic needs that are tied to our very survival as humans.  Reclaiming Wholeness brought me through the process of peeling back the layers of thought, created by social expectation and other external forces, that tend to blind me to my own humanity.  I left each class uplifted and in a state of clarity.  I felt a deeper appreciation for myself and the rest of the world, as opposed to shame about  my “flawed” thinking.  Once in touch with my higher intentions, the right words flow naturally.  I so looked forward to each session.  These classes have inspired me to make NVC an ongoing practice. ”

Matthew Malecha, CNVC certification candiate

“ Even after studying NVC for 8 years in a very deep way, I found a rich newness and inspiration from taking part in Aya's 'Reclaiming Wholeness' series. The language and processes she offers are incredibly rich, simple, and aligned with the spirit of NVC. The flow was logical, directed, and interconnected. And the words resonate at a deep level, painting a beautiful and complete portrait of NVC. I felt moved and impacted by this workshop. ”

Jozelle Wong Yu

“ Aya’s leading of The Alchemy of Conflict Transformation series so clearly revealed to me the importance of caring for everyone’s needs when engaging in conflict situations, seeing that our liberation is inextricably interdependent. I especially appreciated Aya bringing both theory and practice into every session, by centering each class in the heart of NVC consciousness while walking us through the practical skills for engaging modern scenarios, including the personal and political challenges of our day. It’s been amazing to witness my relationships (including the one with myself) transform as I continue to practice what I’ve learned in the course. So much gratitude for Aya, Nora, and my classmates… ”

Sam Lee

“ Everything from the grounding quotes, from Rumi and Marshall and others to the actual healing process was like full course meal stretched over 5 weeks.  I appreciate the many integration self empathy practices.  I feel deeply touched to witness each weeks actual process and practice in real time with the helpful (PDF steps)  The whole Reclaiming Holi-days experience each week is truly a treat to look forward.  And reconnecting back to our natural innocence wisdom within and developing in that trust. -  In the actual practice I felt support of the sacred space within our zoom group.  And with connecting to the aliveness in the moment of my feelings and needs under the judging thoughts is healing process I value taking ownership of each own thoughts. The NVC - reclaiming processes helps awaken my awareness and further stretches my self empathy integration practice. I appreciate the depth of my own growth and learning in a safe sacred space. ”

Hope Davis

“ The series of classes .......... taught by Aya Caspi, changed the way I want to walk in the world. Through her compassionate and heartfelt desire to help others find the place in them that will start changing their own lives as well as the others around her, she has shifted for me, quite literally, my view of the world and my own place in it. This class is a must for anyone interested in getting closer to their own truth, as well as the skills necessary to communicate in a way that draws each of us closer to one another. ”

Andrei, CA

“ Aya's ability to listen, hear, all rooted in presence and deep attention, set a new bar for me as to how we humans could aspire to interact, not only to (re)solve conflicts, but on a day to day basis. A new vision of "conscious relating" was midwifed into existence by Aya.  There are mirrors that reflect your image better than your own sight could perceive it, if you could stand beside yourself and watch-especially if the heart is cloudy.  Aya is such a mirror, which remains an inspiration and a model for me. I am grateful that her soul dwells in the same age as I happen to be visiting here. ”

Ingrid Hyord

“ Aya offers a safe place to show up and practice speaking up with what is alive inside even when fragile, scared thoughts/ patterns of separation or confusion or shame are present and suggest to be quiet. Aya masterfully supports a safe and stimulating environment to explore what really matters for each person even when it is not agreed on with another and skillfully brings it  to the surface.  I so appreciate her example of standing grounded in Presence with an open heart and sharp mind even in the midst of adversity and still offer acceptance and love to the other.  In brief...... Aya  has a skillful mastery in teaching how to discover what is most alive inside and allow it to emerge so that barriers can dissolve and an offering of connection and clarity be made.  YesI  Brilliant! ”


“ I feel enriched by the NVC workshop Aya led in January in the beautiful Robinson Gardens in Beverly Hills.  I found this workshop to have an Immense Influence on the “collective I”: It was Intense, Intelligent, Informative, Insightful, Inspiring, Intimate. Aya instilled in me an insatiable interest in this incredible subject and its tools for better communication. I’m still basking in her NVC glow, hoping for a lasting effect. With warm gratitude. ”


“ I have worked with four NVC facilitators now and they all contribute their unique perspective that helps broaden and deepen my experience.  Aya took my skills to a new level with her excellence in modelling empathy - reflecting, interrupting and taking action.  Her notes and practice suggestions generously met my need for gaining more fluency in NVC.  I greatly appreciated the recordings and the practice sessions as well for the same reason.  She is very focussed, organized and checks carefully to make sure everyone is feeling connected.  I am looking forward to taking more of her courses to develop more ease with my skills. ”

Allison Gause

“ I appreciated the talks that Aya gave to introduce the concepts and exercises. I also gained a lot from the honest sharing by participants. The group exercises were very important to be able to see how the different processes can transform our way of approaching each other. I learned that I have tools to reconnect with my innocence inside and to trust the feelings in my body. I also overcame some of my fears about speaking honestly and sharing my experiences in front of people. ”

Lynn Thomas

“ I was inspired by the way Aya taught from the way of being she has that has integrated NVC so much into her being and her spirituality.  Being invited to include the joy and pain of my spiritual aspect in what she was teaching, I felt much more eager to learn.. Aya showed Care for herself and celebration of her courage and effort.  From that I felt more connection with her as another human and was reminded of the importance of celebrating my own courage in taking on challenges (which is easy for us in this society to forget to do).  I admired her ability to show deep respect of students in checking if they felt complete with their process with her and respect for the needs for the whole in choosing at a certain point to not take more questions in order to go forward with offering teaching and opportunities for us to practice them in breakouts. ”

Luz Helena

“ This NVC course had a profound impact on my understanding of my own communication patterns and what they reveal about where the "work" still is for me. It also increased my confidence in having those difficult conversations with others. I realized that I was often afraid of difficult conversations because I feared saying the wrong thing. Well that's because I sometimes would default to a pattern of blaming someone else for what I was feeling rather than getting really vulnerable about my own pain, jealousy etc. I put this into practice and immediately experienced how others would respond with their own vulnerable truth when I lead with it. This course supported me during a time where I needed to have several edgy conversations and they went really well and restored connection or deepened connection in a few relationships in my life. Thank you both again so very much!!! Many blessings. ”


“ Aya thank you so much for your insights and your modeling of NVC. I love your courageousness. The way you choose to facilitate is so heartening for me. It was amazing to be taking NVC from you during the 2020 presidential elections. You didn't shy away from talking about politics through the NVC lense. Also, when a real conflict arose in class, you brought it forth (with both people's consent of course) and used it as a teaching example, helping them to resolve the conflict. I admire your walking the talk of finding your empowerment. Finding the courage to speak your truth with love. Thank you Aya. ”

Reed Goodey

“ Aya’s ability to teach in such a heartfelt manner comes across so clearly. She embodies NVC as I have never seen any trainer do before, except for Marshall Rosenberg himself. She has embodied the teaching in a way that she can transmit the teachings with precision and care. ”

Kara Nance, CNVC Certification Candidate

“ The Alchemy of Conflict series is a wonderful way to increase your capacity to handle the high conflict areas in your life. The skills Aya teaches during this class are applicable to any conflict situation, whether it’s personal, professional, or political. Aya’s commitment to nonviolence is inspiring and she holds the class with a level of competency, compassion, and professionalism that makes the experience one that will expand the way you see high conflict situations and make you more confident in your ability to navigate them with kindness, strength, and integrity. ”

Sarah Spector

“ Aya is a teacher who is vulnerable, authentic and caring. She invokes and demonstrates a world of velvety softness - and of deep veracity. In this world, she lives the example of a world where every desire, longing, and need in the group  is upheld, cherished and protected. She provides this example both with vigilance and elegance - creating a vividly felt experience of how possible it is to sink into the deep peace in one’s heart (compassion [for self and the world]) that seems rare today...yet with her guidance, increasingly possible. One gravitates to her like a moth to a soft, strong, peaceful flame. The emotional environment she creates and maintains stands, finally, a potent reminder for all those fortunate enough to come into contact with her...of with how miraculous it really can be to be living a human experience in this world. ”

Lynda Vu

“ Aya truly embodies the essence of NVC consciousness, seamlessly tending to the many needs of the group, and doing so with care and compassion. This course addressed many relevant topics, especially in today's climate, including power and privilege, and strategies from an NVC lens on how to dismantle some of the challenges that arise within this context. She doesn't shy away from harder topics and in fact courageously walks towards them with the faith that the tools she has learned through the many years of training will support her in navigating these difficult situations. This was my first class with her and it is useful to see this modeled. The NVC application process will require time for digesting, learning and unlearning of old patterns, but having a small group to work with and the printed material she sends to return to again and again gives me a good starting point to do this work. If you are wanting to take a deeper dive into doing this type of transformational and healing work within yourself and your communities, I highly suggest taking a course with Aya. ”

Emily Brown

“ This class found me at the right time. My husband and I had been talking for months about how NVC fits into our spiritual lives, and I was yearning for guidance. For these five weeks, I was blessed to have Aya as that guide. Her exploration of vulnerability, in particular, has opened a new chapter in our lives. We are conscious, now, of deeper yearnings beneath our immediate "needs," and we find grace and surrender in those reaching, grasping feelings. We are blessed with a hundred thousand opportunities to be vulnerable, every day, and in so doing, to embody holiness. Thank you, Aya, for the opportunity to be vulnerable with you. ”

Andrea Nila Negron

“ It is such a gift for me to be alive at the same time as Aya Caspi so that I have the opportunity to have her as my teacher. Writing this, I have tears because what she offers in service has profoundly impacted me in these past two years. It is difficult for me to put into words how much it means to me. It's as if I was digging around in a pile of rocks and discovered a very precious gem, and I still can't believe my good luck and fortune. ”


“ I went to the Reclaiming Resilience workshops seeking a way to make sense of how I found myself feeling and behaving, to find a way to converse with myself, and to hopefully discover a way to reclaim my sense of being. I was trying to deal with a lot of anger, anxiety and unhappiness, and I had stopped understanding why I was responding to situations the way I was. Now, thanks to you (and Manasi and the other participants in the workshops), I have a framework, a vocabulary, a set of practical actions, which help me understand myself and the world around me more clearly, and behave in a manner which (I like to hope) is more affirmative, less judgmental, more supportive of, and less painful for, both myself and those around me.  I try to apply the principles and practice of NVC in my thoughts and conversations now, and it feels incredibly empowering to be able to engage with myself and the world from a place of strength and contentment. I thank you with all my heart for the perspective that I have learnt from you, for your kindness and your honesty, and for doing all that you did in those workshops to teach us to live authentic lives. ”


“ I attended a workshop you put on at For Goodness Sake in Truckee a few years ago, and still believe with certainty that it was one of the most valuable afternoons of my adult life. What I walked away with was enlightening and has allowed me to change the way I approach, communicate and interact, not only with my own family, but with the world around me. ”

Jessie Austin, USA

“ Meeting Aya has been nothing short of life changing for me.  As a human, a partner, and a parent.  Not only do I feel completely seen and heard by her, but she offers very practical tools for helping solve family conflicts.  She is helping me grow into the parent and human being that I long to be, and I cherish the time I get to spend with her every month. ”

Rachel Turiel

“ Aya’s calls have both a spiritual and practical application. Participating in these calls gives me tools for my work coaching clients on communication, and more space to embrace everyone's humanity, my own included. Aya transmits principles of Nonviolent Communication with clarity and care while navigating the messier moments that arise with a skill and integrity that demonstrates her capacity to hold the whole with dignity. ”


“ Since yesterday, I'm finding myself calling to mind the image of your compassionate strength, your vulnerable security, you’re sitting in grounded presence and centered openness.   It's helping me face various situations in which I need to be the one taking the higher road.  I picture you, and let myself breathe in a bit of the willingess to tap into both vulnerability and strength....great willingness to move toward the other without uprooting oneself in the process.  So, thank you for being who you are, and for taking the journey that you are taking.  It's helping me be who I am, and taking the journey as well. ”
NVC Zen Retreat, Allsgood Farm, Penn Valley, CA May, 2023

Silver Springs Mountain Retreat, Hayfork CA, July 2018

“Reclaiming Truth and Freedom for All

October 2024, Allsgood Farm, Penn Valley, CA

CNVC Certification Candidate, Rebecca McMann from Connecticut


“ It is difficult for me to put into words how much I appreciate your mastery of teaching. You offer a safe place to show up and practice speaking up with what is alive inside even when fragile, scared thoughts/ patterns of separation or confusion or shame are present and suggest to be quiet. You masterfully support a safe and stimulating environment to explore what really matters for each person even when it is not agreed on with another  and skillfully bring it  to the surface.  I so appreciate your example of standing grounded in Presence with an open heart and sharp mind even in the midst of adversity and still offer acceptance and love to the other.  In brief......Your skillful mastery in teaching how to discover what is most alive inside and allow it to emerge so that barriers can dissolve and an offering of connection and clarity be made.  Brilliant, I love you.  In Great Gratitude for You. ”


“ I just wanted to share with you how much I appreciated the NVC weekend with you.   I left feeling full of tenderness for myself and other people and life in general.  I reconnected with life.  My heart opened. One specific thing I remember is, on the drive home, I had the urge to simply stop the car and get out and take in the fall air, the woods, the sound of the stream that runs by the road...I felt open to being nourished by life.  I didn't actually do it (I didn't stop the car), but the urge itself was in a way enough. So much of my time is spent just struggling to stay sane and not fall into a deep dark pit of unreality and despair and disconnection, which creates a kind of rigid barrier against the more tender sides of life...almost a kind of defense against life itself;  so that moment of feeling a peaceful settling into just being alive, and being open to being nourished by life, was very special.  I wish moments like that could last longer, but they have a lasting impact as a sign of hope that they are possible. So, thank you for providing the embodied modeling of compassion and empathy and care--a modeling which enabled me to assimilate a bit of it myself. ”


“ Dear Aya, I am writing to express my support and gratitude for your community work based on Non-Violent Communication (NVC). You began offering this service in our community in 2011, in the form of open group meetings.  You have been facilitating on a regular basis during this time, and have helped us all on many levels. Firstly at an individual level, I can say that my personal communication skills have improved significantly, as a result of understanding how to truly listen to others, becoming aware of the difference between facts, judgments, feelings and needs in my own communication, and many other new ways of looking at communication.  I also have found these new skills invaluable in my workplace.  And, not least, you have helped me resolve an area of misunderstanding in my marriage. As a group, we have been able to help each other come to terms with some of the conflicts in our lives. Your work has also created a great sense of community by bringing together people of different backgrounds to share aspects of their lives and provide mutual support. Thanks. ”


“ I was blessed to attend an NVC meeting which Aya Caspi and Her co-worker Peter were leading together at our local food co-op here in Nevada City Ca.  It was the first time I had ever attended a meeting led by AYA.  I was extremely impressed by her professionalism, authenticity, and skills she presented to our group of about 12 people.  I have been in other NVC Groups and can say  through direct experience that AYA is the most skilled NVC Practitioner I have known. Her dedication to her work is unbeatable. Because of this first Class with her I decided it was worth the trip to go 50 miles each way to the weekly group she teaches in her hometown.  Furthermore, because of Aya's skills, knowledge and  compassion I chose to have my son have a private session with her and it was extremely helpful for him.  I have no doubt in my mind that Aya has the potential of one day having a full NVC Practice here in our community. She is an inspiration to many who meet her. Thank- you. ”

Kathy LaBerge

“ Dear Aya, I would love ? to thank you and Nora for an enlightening introduction to NVC. I was delighted with your ability to weave NVC skills into the moment.  You demonstrated how to face and discuss differences of opinions. (What to do with doggie, Emma?) You projected humility as you confidently used NVC strategies  to find common ground and then diligently dialogued, used role playing and self reflection to understand conflict and find resolutions that satisfied all participants. The need for connection, starting with self, assumption of innocence, judgements disconnecting us, conscious choices, speaking our truth, and embracing the humanity of all, are a few of the topics we explored. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and look forward to learning more about NVC. Loving ? thanks. ”


“ I chose to come to your retreat with Karen to take a much-needed break from work and to engage in some much-needed self-care. Right before I left for the retreat, the deadline for an urgent approval for some documentation at work was moved forward twice and the end result was that the approval overlapped right on top of my precious time away that I had blocked on my calendar to be "off the grid." During the morning session on Friday, I chose to let the approval slip by without my engagement while I listened to the morning session of the retreat. I cried the entire time during the session, partly due to the pain of choosing myself over work and and partly imagining that by not engaging in work while at the retreat that others (possibly ultimately patients in the European Union) would be affected. I knew I needed the time away to recharge and work seemed like it was killing me, despite my best efforts at self-care. Connecting with Ingrid prior to the session broke my heart. In some ways my job is perfect for me and I can embody all the training I've done up to this point. I have hit my stride, and I now feel I can really make a difference in the lives of others. Then in other ways the amount of change and rework and desperation involved in my work has worn me to a frazzle. My attempts at self-care have not held up against the assault and stress of my work, and I arrived at the retreat deeply wounded, tired, and divorced from my true nature. Talking with Ingrid and the others at the breakfast table rekindled the fire of my passion to help others and it was actually painful to all-of-a-sudden have more energy and passion to keep going. From there, during the rest of the retreat I experienced a series of times when I dissociated from my body, which is apparently my main defense mechanism, and probably the reason why I was diagnosed "Bipolar". Luckily you and Pam were equipped to help me through the retreat without me needing to be hauled away in an ambulance. I am grateful to you and Karen for coming to my side when I was making siren sounds on Saturday morning. I am grateful to Pam for using her skills to bring me back from dissociating multiple times and helping me learn how to come back from dissociating. The manic episode lasted for an additional two weeks following the end of the retreat. During those greater than two weeks, I got an average of 2 hours of sleep per night (according to my FitBit, which monitors my sleep) and I wore out every person who did their best to help me. Luckily, the combined efforts of the collective people at the retreat and my community at home, I was able to survive the episode without going to the hospital. This feat saved the medical system a lot of money, saved me from experiencing a lot of trauma, and allowed me to go back to work with only taking 2.5 days off during a period of crisis for my work team. I am in awe of what community support can do. This was made possible by the space that was created and held by you and your team of facilitators for the retreat. Without any one of you, and your training, it may have become a mess. Because of your work, I was able to deeply heal and pass through a traumatic time as a whole person. I have great gratitude to you for facilitating that and for simultaneously teaching a workshop to others! I have much love and appreciation for you, Nora, Pam, Karen and Tania and for all the others present. ”

Sarah Spector

“ Aya is the rare teacher who offers a life-affirming alchemy of vulnerability, authenticity and mastery in her guidance.  She is doing nothing less than teaching individuals to reveal and develop compassion for their deepest selves and others. One gravitates to her like a moth to a soft, strong, constant flame. With deep gentleness, she evokes a container where every desire, longing, and need in the gathering is upheld, cherished and protected. Vigilantly and with elegance, she provides a place where subtle,  transformational skills are mastered to educe and develop the deep peace in one’s heart.  Such skills appear to be sorely lacking in today’s world...yet precisely for that reason, with Aya’s generous guidance and engagement, this practice proves itself to be of profound usefulness, relevance, and revelation. An observant student might be aware of her heartfelt influence rippling outward like expanding rings on a glassy pond. The emotional environment she provides stands, finally, as a potent reminder for all those fortunate enough to come into contact with her of how miraculous it really can be to be living a human experience in this world. ”

Rachel Rozen

“ Going into the retreat, I had no idea the depth of healing and insight I would receive. Aya is truly a gifted teacher and a master of holding space, and I am honored and blessed to have learned so much from her. Aya takes NVC to the next level; I would definitely recommend her retreats or coaching to anyone! ”

Mike Jenkins

“ Aya pulls in such a wide range of experience, background, and knowledge and always with such grace and passion that it is absolutely infectious. As far back as I can remember I have had trouble simply getting along with the majority of people I would interact with…I would also constantly find myself engaged and enraged in situations at work, school, and with my loved ones that would leave me unemployed, dropping out of school and pretty much alone… I was showered with a sense of community and openness that I have never experienced before. Multiple times a day Aya would find a way to show up with me in a personal and confidential way to check in with me and and track my processing, emotional state and general understanding of the topics and sessions of the day. I have never in my life felt such a present and loving person in each and every interaction I had and continue to have with her.  I am struggling to find words to emphasize what I got out of this…my communication, my ability to empathize, my ability and willingness to consider other peoples feelings and needs, my willingness to be open and vulnerable, etc have already changed my life in a number of ways. I have already signed multiple new contracts for my company, starting to heal multiple damaged relationships, and all of my interactions from a rental car person to a bus driver or a customer support person on the phone are now not only friendlier but actually rich and enjoyable…my overall happiness and excitement about life and my journey in this life is forever enhanced. ”

Linda Bartlett

“ Aya taught us, me, how to identify our feelings and our needs. And then we learned how to express ourselves to others. To recognize their feelings, their needs, and to respond to them. I brought all of this home with me…I stopped looking for solutions…a tremendous step for me and I carry it with me.  How Aya managed to gain the respect and love of all of us from many places, many backgrounds, many ages and many walks of life is astounding. I truly have never met anyone as skilled as Aya in teaching so difficult a subject as NVC. ”

Karen Martinsen, CNVC Certification Candidate

“ I was very inspired by Aya Caspi's generosity of time and energy. Aya ate all her meals with us, played with us on rest day, changed schedule and material to meet requests throughout the week. She was able to calmly hold the space for beginners and experienced alike to take the next steps. I would recommend Aya Caspi as an instructor to beginners and more experienced practitioners alike because of her ability to break down and teach the material, but also her kind and understanding demeanor. She held each person with care on their path at their own speed, with great understanding of the pain and joy of discovering a new way. Aya offers a deep teaching and uses great discernment in addressing misconceptions of beginners, while offering everyone a powerful example of lived NVC. ”

Jill Vice, Oakland, CA

“ Studying NVC with Aya has been a one of a kind experience.  After just returning from a retreat with her, I am particularly moved by the way Aya used real time interactions between fellow participants to demonstrate NVC in action.  In every other place in my life, this addressing of live conflict would be avoided at all costs; I dare say even taboo.  However, with Aya’s gift for holding space and care for the individual and the whole, we were able to witness and partake in what felt like a true transformation.  The impact on me was immediate; my ever-present anxiety went down, my heart opened and I experienced a profound sense of intimacy with a group of people I had only just met. I am left deeply inspired and filled with hope. ”

Jennifer Vinsky

“ I wanted to send you my gratitude for your role in my NVC training during the last two workshops at the Chico Dharma Center. I came into the workshops not really knowing what to expect and feeling somewhat alone. I had had very little prior experience with NVC concepts and I felt I did not know enough to be included in the weekend-long trainings. I just want you to know that this feeling changed for me from the first day, especially because you were so supportive of each person there. I felt welcomed and understood by you, even when there were no words flying about the room, and during the class, whether in large-group or small-group settings, your explanations and insights so often made the connection for me between the concepts of NVC and the real-life understanding. I realized early on that your expertise with NVC and your true connection to and empathy for other people is a real gift and a real treasure that can really make a difference. I also witnessed many other people who benefitted from being in small groups with you. I heard the stories of insights gained, ones that could change people's lives for the better in deep ways. I am so happy to have met you and hope to see you again soon, leading the life you were obviously meant to lead, helping people to grasp the wonderful hope and beauty of nonviolence. Thank you so much. ”


“ Since yesterday, I'm finding myself calling to mind the image of your compassionate strength, your vulnerable security, you’re sitting in grounded presence and centered openness.   It's helping me face various situations in which I need to be the one taking the higher road.  I picture you, and let myself breathe in a bit of the willingess to tap into both vulnerability and strength....great willingness to move toward the other without uprooting oneself in the process.  So, thank you for being who you are, and for taking the journey that you are taking.  It's helping me be who I am, and taking the journey as well. ”
NVC Zen Retreat, Allsgood Farm, Penn Valley, CA May, 2023
Silver Springs Mountain Retreat, Hayfork CA, July 2018

“Reclaiming Truth and Freedom for All

October 2024, Allsgood Farm, Penn Valley, CA

CNVC Certification Candidate, Rebecca McMann from Connecticut

“Reclaiming Truth and Freedom

for All” October 2024, Allsgood

Farm, Penn Valley, CA

CNVC Certification Candidate,

Rebecca McMann

from Connecticut


“ It is difficult for me to put into words how much I appreciate your mastery of teaching. You offer a safe place to show up and practice speaking up with what is alive inside even when fragile, scared thoughts/ patterns of separation or confusion or shame are present and suggest to be quiet. You masterfully support a safe and stimulating environment to explore what really matters for each person even when it is not agreed on with another  and skillfully bring it  to the surface.  I so appreciate your example of standing grounded in Presence with an open heart and sharp mind even in the midst of adversity and still offer acceptance and love to the other.  In brief......Your skillful mastery in teaching how to discover what is most alive inside and allow it to emerge so that barriers can dissolve and an offering of connection and clarity be made.  Brilliant, I love you.  In Great Gratitude for You. ”


“ I just wanted to share with you how much I appreciated the NVC weekend with you.   I left feeling full of tenderness for myself and other people and life in general.  I reconnected with life.  My heart opened. One specific thing I remember is, on the drive home, I had the urge to simply stop the car and get out and take in the fall air, the woods, the sound of the stream that runs by the road...I felt open to being nourished by life.  I didn't actually do it (I didn't stop the car), but the urge itself was in a way enough. So much of my time is spent just struggling to stay sane and not fall into a deep dark pit of unreality and despair and disconnection, which creates a kind of rigid barrier against the more tender sides of life...almost a kind of defense against life itself;  so that moment of feeling a peaceful settling into just being alive, and being open to being nourished by life, was very special.  I wish moments like that could last longer, but they have a lasting impact as a sign of hope that they are possible. So, thank you for providing the embodied modeling of compassion and empathy and care--a modeling which enabled me to assimilate a bit of it myself. ”


“ Dear Aya, I am writing to express my support and gratitude for your community work based on Non-Violent Communication (NVC). You began offering this service in our community in 2011, in the form of open group meetings.  You have been facilitating on a regular basis during this time, and have helped us all on many levels. Firstly at an individual level, I can say that my personal communication skills have improved significantly, as a result of understanding how to truly listen to others, becoming aware of the difference between facts, judgments, feelings and needs in my own communication, and many other new ways of looking at communication.  I also have found these new skills invaluable in my workplace.  And, not least, you have helped me resolve an area of misunderstanding in my marriage. As a group, we have been able to help each other come to terms with some of the conflicts in our lives. Your work has also created a great sense of community by bringing together people of different backgrounds to share aspects of their lives and provide mutual support. Thanks. ”


“ I was blessed to attend an NVC meeting which Aya Caspi and Her co-worker Peter were leading together at our local food co-op here in Nevada City Ca.  It was the first time I had ever attended a meeting led by AYA.  I was extremely impressed by her professionalism, authenticity, and skills she presented to our group of about 12 people.  I have been in other NVC Groups and can say  through direct experience that AYA is the most skilled NVC Practitioner I have known. Her dedication to her work is unbeatable. Because of this first Class with her I decided it was worth the trip to go 50 miles each way to the weekly group she teaches in her hometown.  Furthermore, because of Aya's skills, knowledge and  compassion I chose to have my son have a private session with her and it was extremely helpful for him.  I have no doubt in my mind that Aya has the potential of one day having a full NVC Practice here in our community. She is an inspiration to many who meet her. Thank- you. ”

Kathy LaBerge

“ Dear Aya, I would love ? to thank you and Nora for an enlightening introduction to NVC. I was delighted with your ability to weave NVC skills into the moment.  You demonstrated how to face and discuss differences of opinions. (What to do with doggie, Emma?) You projected humility as you confidently used NVC strategies  to find common ground and then diligently dialogued, used role playing and self reflection to understand conflict and find resolutions that satisfied all participants. The need for connection, starting with self, assumption of innocence, judgements disconnecting us, conscious choices, speaking our truth, and embracing the humanity of all, are a few of the topics we explored. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and look forward to learning more about NVC. Loving ? thanks. ”


“ I chose to come to your retreat with Karen to take a much-needed break from work and to engage in some much-needed self-care. Right before I left for the retreat, the deadline for an urgent approval for some documentation at work was moved forward twice and the end result was that the approval overlapped right on top of my precious time away that I had blocked on my calendar to be "off the grid." During the morning session on Friday, I chose to let the approval slip by without my engagement while I listened to the morning session of the retreat. I cried the entire time during the session, partly due to the pain of choosing myself over work and and partly imagining that by not engaging in work while at the retreat that others (possibly ultimately patients in the European Union) would be affected. I knew I needed the time away to recharge and work seemed like it was killing me, despite my best efforts at self-care. Connecting with Ingrid prior to the session broke my heart. In some ways my job is perfect for me and I can embody all the training I've done up to this point. I have hit my stride, and I now feel I can really make a difference in the lives of others. Then in other ways the amount of change and rework and desperation involved in my work has worn me to a frazzle. My attempts at self-care have not held up against the assault and stress of my work, and I arrived at the retreat deeply wounded, tired, and divorced from my true nature. Talking with Ingrid and the others at the breakfast table rekindled the fire of my passion to help others and it was actually painful to all-of-a-sudden have more energy and passion to keep going. From there, during the rest of the retreat I experienced a series of times when I dissociated from my body, which is apparently my main defense mechanism, and probably the reason why I was diagnosed "Bipolar". Luckily you and Pam were equipped to help me through the retreat without me needing to be hauled away in an ambulance. I am grateful to you and Karen for coming to my side when I was making siren sounds on Saturday morning. I am grateful to Pam for using her skills to bring me back from dissociating multiple times and helping me learn how to come back from dissociating. The manic episode lasted for an additional two weeks following the end of the retreat. During those greater than two weeks, I got an average of 2 hours of sleep per night (according to my FitBit, which monitors my sleep) and I wore out every person who did their best to help me. Luckily, the combined efforts of the collective people at the retreat and my community at home, I was able to survive the episode without going to the hospital. This feat saved the medical system a lot of money, saved me from experiencing a lot of trauma, and allowed me to go back to work with only taking 2.5 days off during a period of crisis for my work team. I am in awe of what community support can do. This was made possible by the space that was created and held by you and your team of facilitators for the retreat. Without any one of you, and your training, it may have become a mess. Because of your work, I was able to deeply heal and pass through a traumatic time as a whole person. I have great gratitude to you for facilitating that and for simultaneously teaching a workshop to others! I have much love and appreciation for you, Nora, Pam, Karen and Tania and for all the others present. ”

Sarah Spector

“ Aya is the rare teacher who offers a life-affirming alchemy of vulnerability, authenticity and mastery in her guidance.  She is doing nothing less than teaching individuals to reveal and develop compassion for their deepest selves and others. One gravitates to her like a moth to a soft, strong, constant flame. With deep gentleness, she evokes a container where every desire, longing, and need in the gathering is upheld, cherished and protected. Vigilantly and with elegance, she provides a place where subtle,  transformational skills are mastered to educe and develop the deep peace in one’s heart.  Such skills appear to be sorely lacking in today’s world...yet precisely for that reason, with Aya’s generous guidance and engagement, this practice proves itself to be of profound usefulness, relevance, and revelation. An observant student might be aware of her heartfelt influence rippling outward like expanding rings on a glassy pond. The emotional environment she provides stands, finally, as a potent reminder for all those fortunate enough to come into contact with her of how miraculous it really can be to be living a human experience in this world. ”

Rachel Rozen

“ Going into the retreat, I had no idea the depth of healing and insight I would receive. Aya is truly a gifted teacher and a master of holding space, and I am honored and blessed to have learned so much from her. Aya takes NVC to the next level; I would definitely recommend her retreats or coaching to anyone! ”

Mike Jenkins

“ Aya pulls in such a wide range of experience, background, and knowledge and always with such grace and passion that it is absolutely infectious. As far back as I can remember I have had trouble simply getting along with the majority of people I would interact with…I would also constantly find myself engaged and enraged in situations at work, school, and with my loved ones that would leave me unemployed, dropping out of school and pretty much alone… I was showered with a sense of community and openness that I have never experienced before. Multiple times a day Aya would find a way to show up with me in a personal and confidential way to check in with me and and track my processing, emotional state and general understanding of the topics and sessions of the day. I have never in my life felt such a present and loving person in each and every interaction I had and continue to have with her.  I am struggling to find words to emphasize what I got out of this…my communication, my ability to empathize, my ability and willingness to consider other peoples feelings and needs, my willingness to be open and vulnerable, etc have already changed my life in a number of ways. I have already signed multiple new contracts for my company, starting to heal multiple damaged relationships, and all of my interactions from a rental car person to a bus driver or a customer support person on the phone are now not only friendlier but actually rich and enjoyable…my overall happiness and excitement about life and my journey in this life is forever enhanced. ”

Linda Bartlett

“ Aya taught us, me, how to identify our feelings and our needs. And then we learned how to express ourselves to others. To recognize their feelings, their needs, and to respond to them. I brought all of this home with me…I stopped looking for solutions…a tremendous step for me and I carry it with me.  How Aya managed to gain the respect and love of all of us from many places, many backgrounds, many ages and many walks of life is astounding. I truly have never met anyone as skilled as Aya in teaching so difficult a subject as NVC. ”

Karen Martinsen, CNVC Certification Candidate

“ I was very inspired by Aya Caspi's generosity of time and energy. Aya ate all her meals with us, played with us on rest day, changed schedule and material to meet requests throughout the week. She was able to calmly hold the space for beginners and experienced alike to take the next steps. I would recommend Aya Caspi as an instructor to beginners and more experienced practitioners alike because of her ability to break down and teach the material, but also her kind and understanding demeanor. She held each person with care on their path at their own speed, with great understanding of the pain and joy of discovering a new way. Aya offers a deep teaching and uses great discernment in addressing misconceptions of beginners, while offering everyone a powerful example of lived NVC. ”

Jill Vice, Oakland, CA

“ Studying NVC with Aya has been a one of a kind experience.  After just returning from a retreat with her, I am particularly moved by the way Aya used real time interactions between fellow participants to demonstrate NVC in action.  In every other place in my life, this addressing of live conflict would be avoided at all costs; I dare say even taboo.  However, with Aya’s gift for holding space and care for the individual and the whole, we were able to witness and partake in what felt like a true transformation.  The impact on me was immediate; my ever-present anxiety went down, my heart opened and I experienced a profound sense of intimacy with a group of people I had only just met. I am left deeply inspired and filled with hope. ”

Jennifer Vinsky

“ I wanted to send you my gratitude for your role in my NVC training during the last two workshops at the Chico Dharma Center. I came into the workshops not really knowing what to expect and feeling somewhat alone. I had had very little prior experience with NVC concepts and I felt I did not know enough to be included in the weekend-long trainings. I just want you to know that this feeling changed for me from the first day, especially because you were so supportive of each person there. I felt welcomed and understood by you, even when there were no words flying about the room, and during the class, whether in large-group or small-group settings, your explanations and insights so often made the connection for me between the concepts of NVC and the real-life understanding. I realized early on that your expertise with NVC and your true connection to and empathy for other people is a real gift and a real treasure that can really make a difference. I also witnessed many other people who benefitted from being in small groups with you. I heard the stories of insights gained, ones that could change people's lives for the better in deep ways. I am so happy to have met you and hope to see you again soon, leading the life you were obviously meant to lead, helping people to grasp the wonderful hope and beauty of nonviolence. Thank you so much. ”
To Media

Kimberly Howitt, Senior Creative Executive Kids and Family Warner Bros, HBO Max and Cartoonito

“ I have worked closely with Aya over the past year on several preschool shows for HBO Max and Cartoonito. The overall learning philosophy for our preschool programming is called Human Centric Learning, and NVC inspired communication skills fit perfectly into this framework. Aya develops specific curriculum for our shows, and reviews scripts at every stage, to ensure that we meet our educational goals in age-appropriate ways. She works closely with writers and creators to craft storylines that entertain, inspire and educate our littlest viewers. She has made a huge impact on our children's programming offering by integrating NVC philosophy into several of our shows. Her innate understanding of both the audience and of storytelling makes her work with storytellers particularly valuable. Writers are not only inspired by how she deepens their narratives, but how in doing so, she's actually changing their own lives. ”
Cartoon Saloon_80px H

Nuria González Blanco, Creator and Director, www.cartoonsaloon.ie

“ I have the pleasure of collaborating with Aya Caspi on our preschool series Silly Sundays. Aya is our Educational Consultant (NVC) and her feedback on the scripts helps elevate the show to a new level of empathy and supportive communication. I appreciate how much care Aya puts into explaining the reasoning behind her notes, and how she provides helpful examples that easily illustrate the Non Violent Communication method. I’m grateful Aya is part of the Silly Sundays team and I hope our collaboration will continue on many more projects to come. ”
Issued by Kidscreen Awards 2025 ·
Nov 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
Issued by Shanghai International TV Festival · Jun 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
Issued by Shanghai International TV Festival · Jun 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
Issued by The Royal Television Society Awards Ireland 2024 ·
Mar 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
To Media

Kimberly Howitt, Senior Creative Executive Kids and Family Warner Bros, HBO Max and Cartoonito

“ I have worked closely with Aya over the past year on several preschool shows for HBO Max and Cartoonito. The overall learning philosophy for our preschool programming is called Human Centric Learning, and NVC inspired communication skills fit perfectly into this framework. Aya develops specific curriculum for our shows, and reviews scripts at every stage, to ensure that we meet our educational goals in age-appropriate ways. She works closely with writers and creators to craft storylines that entertain, inspire and educate our littlest viewers. She has made a huge impact on our children's programming offering by integrating NVC philosophy into several of our shows. Her innate understanding of both the audience and of storytelling makes her work with storytellers particularly valuable. Writers are not only inspired by how she deepens their narratives, but how in doing so, she's actually changing their own lives. ”
Cartoon Saloon_80px H

Nuria González Blanco, Creator and Director, www.cartoonsaloon.ie

“ I have the pleasure of collaborating with Aya Caspi on our preschool series Silly Sundays. Aya is our Educational Consultant (NVC) and her feedback on the scripts helps elevate the show to a new level of empathy and supportive communication. I appreciate how much care Aya puts into explaining the reasoning behind her notes, and how she provides helpful examples that easily illustrate the Non Violent Communication method. I’m grateful Aya is part of the Silly Sundays team and I hope our collaboration will continue on many more projects to come. ”
Issued by Kidscreen Awards 2025 ·
Nov 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
Issued by Shanghai International TV Festival · Jun 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
Issued by Shanghai International TV Festival · Jun 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
Issued by The Royal Television Society Awards Ireland 2024 ·
Mar 2024
Animated TV series 'Silly Sundays' - created and directed by Nuria González Blanco
Logo_of_the_United_Nations_80px H

Katherine, UNA-Golden Empire Chapter, President

" My experience with the two-hour informal discussion we held called “Is Peace Possible in the Middle East” gave me a renewed appreciation for Aya and Non-Violent Communication. Aya Caspi was one of our three panelists—the other two being a historian and a diplomat. We had invited Aya to advance the discussion by asking her to share her personal feelings and experience from being an Israeli American. We thought that her experience in Non-Violent Communication would help the audience see and understand the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians and develop a bit more empathy for both sides. Well, we didn’t have much of a chance for that. The audience had passionate and diverse opinions, some defending the Israeli people and some defending the Palestinians . The tension in the room rose quickly. Each time Aya stepped in, and calmly and graciously addressed the person that was animated, by repeating what she thought that person had said, and then asking him/her if that was correct. And each time the person said yes and in a much calmer tone. Then Aya would ask him or her if they had felt “heard” and if they felt safe. The answer was always yes. And the tension in the room was diffused, every single time. Aya’s skills saved the day for me (I had organized the whole event), for our chapter and for everyone in the room. It was a successful event because it was not only about history and facts. It gave people the opportunity to vent, and at the same time to be heard, validated and understood as human beings. The best part was towards the end of the two hours when Aya asked who in the room wanted the Israeli people to be safe, and everyone raised their hand. Then she asked who wanted Palestinians to be safe, and again, everyone raised their hand. The event ended with the many people expressing their appreciation for having attended such an event and for holding this discussion in a civil and respectful manner. I cannot be more grateful to Aya for her grace and her skills. "

UNA-Golden Empire Chapter, Grass Valley CA, January 2024

Whitman College, Washington, February 2024

Logo_of_the_United_Nations_80px H

Katherine, UNA-Golden Empire Chapter, President

" My experience with the two-hour informal discussion we held called “Is Peace Possible in the Middle East” gave me a renewed appreciation for Aya and Non-Violent Communication. Aya Caspi was one of our three panelists—the other two being a historian and a diplomat. We had invited Aya to advance the discussion by asking her to share her personal feelings and experience from being an Israeli American. We thought that her experience in Non-Violent Communication would help the audience see and understand the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians and develop a bit more empathy for both sides. Well, we didn’t have much of a chance for that. The audience had passionate and diverse opinions, some defending the Israeli people and some defending the Palestinians . The tension in the room rose quickly. Each time Aya stepped in, and calmly and graciously addressed the person that was animated, by repeating what she thought that person had said, and then asking him/her if that was correct. And each time the person said yes and in a much calmer tone. Then Aya would ask him or her if they had felt “heard” and if they felt safe. The answer was always yes. And the tension in the room was diffused, every single time. Aya’s skills saved the day for me (I had organized the whole event), for our chapter and for everyone in the room. It was a successful event because it was not only about history and facts. It gave people the opportunity to vent, and at the same time to be heard, validated and understood as human beings. The best part was towards the end of the two hours when Aya asked who in the room wanted the Israeli people to be safe, and everyone raised their hand. Then she asked who wanted Palestinians to be safe, and again, everyone raised their hand. The event ended with the many people expressing their appreciation for having attended such an event and for holding this discussion in a civil and respectful manner. I cannot be more grateful to Aya for her grace and her skills. "
UNA-Golden Empire Chapter, Grass Valley CA, January 2024

Whitman College, Washington, February 2024



“ From deep in my heart, thank you Aya for the mediation today. You are so skilled and come from such a deep place. I could have never said or heard things communicated today without a presence like yours. I really felt you care for both of our needs, and also particularly 'having my back' during that difficult first 90 minutes, which allowed me to stay with that pain and uncertainty without feeling the need to emotionally take care of the other person, or lose access to my own core values. Blessings. ”

Speaking About the War in Gaza Without Recreating It Between Us

Kathryn Linzey, Head of School, The Concordia School

" Grateful for all the time and patience Nora spent in working with us. I appreciate the way in which she listened and gave each party the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. In our final meeting, she skillfully navigated the flow, getting us back on track when we started to move away from what we had planned. She does not have an easy job! But I can see how much she enjoys it. "

Julia B., Bay Area, California

" My husband and I recently had the great pleasure of working with Nora on a mediation matter involving our child's school. She held the whole process of many weeks with true professionalism, kindness, wisdom, and integrity which helped all of us navigate towards a successful outcome that was mutually beneficial. We would absolutely recommend her as a highly skilled mediator. With Nora you'll be in good hands. "


“ During the mediation, I was so grateful for Aya's presence because she made sure that my friend and I kept understanding each other. Aya had this way of slowing things down, getting to the heart of what we were each trying to say. I felt tender and touched and saw my friend as this beautiful, loving human being who really cares about me. ”

Kiah Bosy

“ You reawakened my soul in a fresh new way Aya. I love how you could hold the space of turmoil or uncertainty with such grace and wisdom. You are so skillful in helping us rewire our mind habits so that we could receive the things we want more of in our lives. During the time you held space for me and my friend, I could feel the fire of discomfort in us both.... but your clear pointing and nurturing guidance revealed our habits of distancing with the words we habitually used. So powerful to be witnessed and loved in a new way. ”


“ What Aya has to offer is powerful medicine for intimate, family, work, community and globally relationships. Communication is the highest form of education and she is paving the way to a better way of relating. I have received one-on one coaching with Aya, taken her workshops and also used her for mediation with my siblings when settling my father’s estate.  Our family is close but we didn’t learn how to easily express our feelings with each other especially when there is conflict. Aya showed us a new way of communicating; something far better than using a legal mediator.  Aya helps get to the heart of the matter…. And I mean the true heart. The heart that heals, loves and opens ourselves and others up to connection and understanding. I feel that connection creates a much more “juicy” way to live, much better than being walled off or shut down, and Aya’s deep knowledge of NVC has helped me to live a life of greater connection. Thank you Aya! ”


“ From deep in my heart, thank you Aya for the mediation today. You are so skilled and come from such a deep place. I could have never said or heard things communicated today without a presence like yours. I really felt you care for both of our needs, and also particularly 'having my back' during that difficult first 90 minutes, which allowed me to stay with that pain and uncertainty without feeling the need to emotionally take care of the other person, or lose access to my own core values. Blessings. ”

Speaking About the War in Gaza

Without Recreating It Between Us

Kathryn Linzey, Head of School, The Concordia School

" Grateful for all the time and patience Nora spent in working with us. I appreciate the way in which she listened and gave each party the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. In our final meeting, she skillfully navigated the flow, getting us back on track when we started to move away from what we had planned. She does not have an easy job! But I can see how much she enjoys it. "

Julia B., Bay Area, California

" My husband and I recently had the great pleasure of working with Nora on a mediation matter involving our child's school. She held the whole process of many weeks with true professionalism, kindness, wisdom, and integrity which helped all of us navigate towards a successful outcome that was mutually beneficial. We would absolutely recommend her as a highly skilled mediator. With Nora you'll be in good hands. "


“ During the mediation, I was so grateful for Aya's presence because she made sure that my friend and I kept understanding each other. Aya had this way of slowing things down, getting to the heart of what we were each trying to say. I felt tender and touched and saw my friend as this beautiful, loving human being who really cares about me. ”

Kiah Bosy

“ You reawakened my soul in a fresh new way Aya. I love how you could hold the space of turmoil or uncertainty with such grace and wisdom. You are so skillful in helping us rewire our mind habits so that we could receive the things we want more of in our lives. During the time you held space for me and my friend, I could feel the fire of discomfort in us both.... but your clear pointing and nurturing guidance revealed our habits of distancing with the words we habitually used. So powerful to be witnessed and loved in a new way. ”


“ What Aya has to offer is powerful medicine for intimate, family, work, community and globally relationships. Communication is the highest form of education and she is paving the way to a better way of relating. I have received one-on one coaching with Aya, taken her workshops and also used her for mediation with my siblings when settling my father’s estate.  Our family is close but we didn’t learn how to easily express our feelings with each other especially when there is conflict. Aya showed us a new way of communicating; something far better than using a legal mediator.  Aya helps get to the heart of the matter…. And I mean the true heart. The heart that heals, loves and opens ourselves and others up to connection and understanding. I feel that connection creates a much more “juicy” way to live, much better than being walled off or shut down, and Aya’s deep knowledge of NVC has helped me to live a life of greater connection. Thank you Aya! ”

Carley Pacheco, Director

“ Aya provided a 4-hour training to our staff of 30.  The concepts were clearly presented, and there were multiple activities to increase engagement and promote the participation of all staff.  She created a safe environment in which people felt comfortable being vulnerable and sharing their personal experiences.  In addition, we have several staff with disabilities and Aya was very mindful of accommodating their needs, and asking for feedback to ensure full participation could happen for all of us.  We hope to offer another training with Aya in the future! ”
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities – TCDD_Logo_80px H

Jennifer Bailey, Spring, Texas

" I want to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable contribution as a special guest speaker during our recent session,  TCDD – Texas Partners in Policymaking. Your presentation on Introduction to Nonviolent Communication was incredibly insightful and has deepened my understanding of this important approach. Additionally, the Feelings vs. Needs Inventory document has been an invaluable resource. I have already applied it to help recognize and navigate emotions with my young adult child, and I truly appreciate its practicality. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your expertise and for your dedication to the disability community in Texas. Your work makes a meaningful impact, and I am grateful for the knowledge you shared. With appreciation. "
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Angela O’Brien

" I wanted to thank Aya for speaking to the Texas Partners in Policy Making class. I have to say I really can't stop thinking about your training session with us. You really gave me new insights in how I can change my communication style for the better. I have also reflected a lot on some of the people in my life that I respect and feel safest in speaking vulnerably too. Those people have more of this nonviolent communication style. It is interesting to me without thinking about it that of course those are people that naturally feel safe to communicate with. Additionally, thank you for reminding us not to suddenly just take the communication and superior and start policing others speech. So easy to do when you learn something new and exciting. "
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities – TCDD_Logo_80px H

Lisa Treleaven

" I found Aya's presentation to be incredibly helpful. I am a counselor, and I believe Nonviolent Communication is a powerful tool for interpersonal conflict resolution. I have been eager to see how NVC can be applied to mediation on macro-level conflicts such as geo-political negotiations.  I am looking forward to reviewing more of the resources mentioned in your presentation such as videos related to mediation in Gaza. Thank you again for taking the time to present this information to our group. "
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Texas Council Developmental Disabilities Testimonial 2

" Aya's presentation was eye opening and valuable on so many levels beyond public communication; I will be taking what she shared when in self-care and in my personal communication with family and loved ones! I would be happy to spend another day learning from Aya, it was fantastic! "
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Dr. Justine Bernard,D.P.T. Owner of Elements Fitness and Wellness www.elementscenter.com, Washington, DC

" I took a Nonviolent Communication course about 10 years ago, it helped me to communicate more effectively in all aspects of life. What is so wonderful about having Nora bring this work to our community is her years of experience in a movement modality that deeply appreciates one’s unique internal experience with movement, as well as, her years of experience negotiating contracts which is truly managing communication of needs and wants. I can’t think of a better person to bring NVC skills to movement studios. Many studio owners and trainers have needs and desires to communicate that are deeply ingrained in their passion and identity,  thus communicating can be challenging. Through the many times I have run difficult scenarios by Nora and she has guided me, I have no doubt she will help many studios create the environment to make magic happen. "

Eric Lazarus, Software Architect, NYC

“ Aya is a remarkable social-skills teacher - I consult with her regarding situations from business to the very personal. She appears to have an endless ability to identify practical ways to bring the power of compassion to everyday situations and challenges. She is a wonderful role-model of openness, caring and listening. I would recommend her to all who want to improve their ability to get along with others, inspire action and help resolve conflicts. ”
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John Brooks, Sales Manager, Renaissance Vineyard & Winery, 1-800-655-3277, johnbr@renaissancewinery.com

“ Aya Caspi’s influence upon my vision and perception of reality has forever altered my relationship to the outside world. She introduced into my workplace, Renaissance Vineyard and Winery, the ideas of commitment, accountability, teamwork, and plain old honesty, which, to my chagrin, were scoffed at, resisted, and in the end pushed aside. However, these principles, once introduced, are seeds that can never be eradicated no matter the egoism, vanity, or ignorance that try to defeat them. Aya has much to offer anyone willing to listen and her message involves love, understanding, and compassion. ”
Renaissance Winery Logo_80px H

Massimo Leotta, Former CFO at Renaisasnce Vineyard & Winery, Inc, maxleotta@yahoo.it

“ I had the pleasure to meet Aya Caspi during my last year of work at Renaissance Winery. She offered her time as a volunteer in order to help the organization with the communication process by using her knowledge and experience with Non Violent Communication. As an organization, we were facing a very difficult challenge due to the economic crises: sales were going down together with morale. Our weekly meetings were at the beginning difficult to follow because the staff was concerned with the daily activities; nobody knew what good could come from those meetings. But, a month later, everybody understood clearly the importance of NVC because we began to apply its tools on real communication issues. As team, we really began to understand each other because we learn how to listen to people, to really listen. The communication among the staff members improved, as consequence efficiency improved, so did sales especially. Aya Caspi really believed in using NVC tools, and was able to show the advantages of it with courage and determination even when some staff members expressed concerns about its validity. In the end, all staff members recognized the validity of NVC because it allowed everybody to express his own personal ideas without the fear of being judged; NVC created an environment where “respect” of each other was a primary concern. This brought a higher level of trust and collaboration. I believe that Aya Caspi through her knowledge and experience in NVC can bring the potential of an organization to real expression. It can create an honest and genuine communication among the members of any organization: corporations and families. Sincerely. ”

Gideon Beinstock, Owner of Clos Saron Winery, Oregon House, CA

“ I really experienced a paradigm shift internally relative to business management, and working with people. I discovered a whole side of myself, which until then was not truly explored, understood, or expressed in my experience of working with other people. I realized that (1) people were by far the most valuable asset a company can have and that (2) you cannot, nor would you want to, make others do anything they did not choose to, of their own will. I understood that I am no different then any other employee and that only by truly empowering everyone to do whatever they deeply want to and feel capable of doing, their contribution can be complete, their loyalty, commitment, and engagement won, their scope of contribution maximized.  ...It was challenging to everyone, including myself, to understand the need to, and learn to want to, make oneself vulnerable by opening oneself to others, their needs and feelings. There were many layers of history of interpersonal issues, conflicts, and emotions to start peeling off...   As we were experiencing the highs and lows of ourselves and the process, under the constant, imminent threat of the company being shut down by its owners and all of us losing our jobs, Aya was an unwavering source of encouragement and hope, working intimately with each person with their own relationship to the team and the process. She acted as personal coach to each person involved and worked individually with everyone. Beyond a devotion to the process, she showed a rare sensitivity to people's individual points of view and a strong respect for it. She showed a talent of hearing people's inner, unspoken voices, behind their spoken words - often beyond their own understanding of the true meaning of their own words... This lasted for nearly two magical years, until my retirement from my managerial role in the company. Her direct (and indirect) contribution to the well being of the company on one side, and the morale and dedication of the team members on the other, was very significant. Work atmosphere in the offices was dramatically more harmonious and cheerful; communication much improved, number of sick days was down, and the company achieved profitability for the first time in its history.  I personally felt fortunate to have met her and having had the luck to be involved in this process, which she initiated and guided. I still feel so, and have found ways to use the same tools and communication skills I learned from her in my relationship to all other people in my life: my family, my business contacts and customers, my friends. I feel that she helped me become a better person. ”

Carley Pacheco, Director

“ Aya provided a 4-hour training to our staff of 30.  The concepts were clearly presented, and there were multiple activities to increase engagement and promote the participation of all staff.  She created a safe environment in which people felt comfortable being vulnerable and sharing their personal experiences.  In addition, we have several staff with disabilities and Aya was very mindful of accommodating their needs, and asking for feedback to ensure full participation could happen for all of us.  We hope to offer another training with Aya in the future! ”
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Jennifer Bailey, Spring, Texas

" I want to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable contribution as a special guest speaker during our recent session,  TCDD – Texas Partners in Policymaking. Your presentation on Introduction to Nonviolent Communication was incredibly insightful and has deepened my understanding of this important approach. Additionally, the Feelings vs. Needs Inventory document has been an invaluable resource. I have already applied it to help recognize and navigate emotions with my young adult child, and I truly appreciate its practicality. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your expertise and for your dedication to the disability community in Texas. Your work makes a meaningful impact, and I am grateful for the knowledge you shared. With appreciation. "
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Angela O’Brien

" I wanted to thank Aya for speaking to the Texas Partners in Policy Making class. I have to say I really can't stop thinking about your training session with us. You really gave me new insights in how I can change my communication style for the better. I have also reflected a lot on some of the people in my life that I respect and feel safest in speaking vulnerably too. Those people have more of this nonviolent communication style. It is interesting to me without thinking about it that of course those are people that naturally feel safe to communicate with. Additionally, thank you for reminding us not to suddenly just take the communication and superior and start policing others speech. So easy to do when you learn something new and exciting. "
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Lisa Treleaven

" I found Aya's presentation to be incredibly helpful. I am a counselor, and I believe Nonviolent Communication is a powerful tool for interpersonal conflict resolution. I have been eager to see how NVC can be applied to mediation on macro-level conflicts such as geo-political negotiations.  I am looking forward to reviewing more of the resources mentioned in your presentation such as videos related to mediation in Gaza. Thank you again for taking the time to present this information to our group. "
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities – TCDD_Logo_80px H

Texas Council Developmental Disabilities Testimonial 2

" Aya's presentation was eye opening and valuable on so many levels beyond public communication; I will be taking what she shared when in self-care and in my personal communication with family and loved ones! I would be happy to spend another day learning from Aya, it was fantastic! "
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Dr. Justine Bernard,D.P.T. Owner of Elements Fitness and Wellness www.elementscenter.com, Washington, DC

" I took a Nonviolent Communication course about 10 years ago, it helped me to communicate more effectively in all aspects of life. What is so wonderful about having Nora bring this work to our community is her years of experience in a movement modality that deeply appreciates one’s unique internal experience with movement, as well as, her years of experience negotiating contracts which is truly managing communication of needs and wants. I can’t think of a better person to bring NVC skills to movement studios. Many studio owners and trainers have needs and desires to communicate that are deeply ingrained in their passion and identity,  thus communicating can be challenging. Through the many times I have run difficult scenarios by Nora and she has guided me, I have no doubt she will help many studios create the environment to make magic happen. "

Eric Lazarus, Software Architect, NYC

“ Aya is a remarkable social-skills teacher - I consult with her regarding situations from business to the very personal. She appears to have an endless ability to identify practical ways to bring the power of compassion to everyday situations and challenges. She is a wonderful role-model of openness, caring and listening. I would recommend her to all who want to improve their ability to get along with others, inspire action and help resolve conflicts. ”
Renaissance Winery Logo_80px H

John Brooks, Sales Manager, Renaissance Vineyard & Winery, 1-800-655-3277, johnbr@renaissancewinery.com

“ Aya Caspi’s influence upon my vision and perception of reality has forever altered my relationship to the outside world. She introduced into my workplace, Renaissance Vineyard and Winery, the ideas of commitment, accountability, teamwork, and plain old honesty, which, to my chagrin, were scoffed at, resisted, and in the end pushed aside. However, these principles, once introduced, are seeds that can never be eradicated no matter the egoism, vanity, or ignorance that try to defeat them. Aya has much to offer anyone willing to listen and her message involves love, understanding, and compassion. ”
Renaissance Winery Logo_80px H

Massimo Leotta, Former CFO at Renaisasnce Vineyard & Winery, Inc, maxleotta@yahoo.it

“ I had the pleasure to meet Aya Caspi during my last year of work at Renaissance Winery. She offered her time as a volunteer in order to help the organization with the communication process by using her knowledge and experience with Non Violent Communication. As an organization, we were facing a very difficult challenge due to the economic crises: sales were going down together with morale. Our weekly meetings were at the beginning difficult to follow because the staff was concerned with the daily activities; nobody knew what good could come from those meetings. But, a month later, everybody understood clearly the importance of NVC because we began to apply its tools on real communication issues. As team, we really began to understand each other because we learn how to listen to people, to really listen. The communication among the staff members improved, as consequence efficiency improved, so did sales especially. Aya Caspi really believed in using NVC tools, and was able to show the advantages of it with courage and determination even when some staff members expressed concerns about its validity. In the end, all staff members recognized the validity of NVC because it allowed everybody to express his own personal ideas without the fear of being judged; NVC created an environment where “respect” of each other was a primary concern. This brought a higher level of trust and collaboration. I believe that Aya Caspi through her knowledge and experience in NVC can bring the potential of an organization to real expression. It can create an honest and genuine communication among the members of any organization: corporations and families. Sincerely. ”

Gideon Beinstock, Owner of Clos Saron Winery, Oregon House, CA

“ I really experienced a paradigm shift internally relative to business management, and working with people. I discovered a whole side of myself, which until then was not truly explored, understood, or expressed in my experience of working with other people. I realized that (1) people were by far the most valuable asset a company can have and that (2) you cannot, nor would you want to, make others do anything they did not choose to, of their own will. I understood that I am no different then any other employee and that only by truly empowering everyone to do whatever they deeply want to and feel capable of doing, their contribution can be complete, their loyalty, commitment, and engagement won, their scope of contribution maximized.  ...It was challenging to everyone, including myself, to understand the need to, and learn to want to, make oneself vulnerable by opening oneself to others, their needs and feelings. There were many layers of history of interpersonal issues, conflicts, and emotions to start peeling off...   As we were experiencing the highs and lows of ourselves and the process, under the constant, imminent threat of the company being shut down by its owners and all of us losing our jobs, Aya was an unwavering source of encouragement and hope, working intimately with each person with their own relationship to the team and the process. She acted as personal coach to each person involved and worked individually with everyone. Beyond a devotion to the process, she showed a rare sensitivity to people's individual points of view and a strong respect for it. She showed a talent of hearing people's inner, unspoken voices, behind their spoken words - often beyond their own understanding of the true meaning of their own words... This lasted for nearly two magical years, until my retirement from my managerial role in the company. Her direct (and indirect) contribution to the well being of the company on one side, and the morale and dedication of the team members on the other, was very significant. Work atmosphere in the offices was dramatically more harmonious and cheerful; communication much improved, number of sick days was down, and the company achieved profitability for the first time in its history.  I personally felt fortunate to have met her and having had the luck to be involved in this process, which she initiated and guided. I still feel so, and have found ways to use the same tools and communication skills I learned from her in my relationship to all other people in my life: my family, my business contacts and customers, my friends. I feel that she helped me become a better person. ”
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Melissa Skiles, Director of Community Well-Being, Hamlin School, SF

" I had the distinct pleasure of participating in a Non-Violent Communication (NVC) training led by Aya, an exceptional and insightful trainer. Her ability to create a safe and empathetic space for learning was truly transformative. Through skillful guidance, she imparted the principles of NVC with clarity and practicality, fostering a deep understanding of compassionate communication. Aya's commitment to non-violence and their genuine passion for helping individuals connect on a deeper level were evident throughout the workshop. We collectively left with invaluable tools for navigating challenging conversations, resolving conflicts peacefully, and fostering meaningful connections. Aya's expertise, coupled with her warm and approachable demeanor, made the learning experience not only enlightening and accessible. Aya was a warm and welcoming presence with our faculty and came at a time when the world truly needed her expertise and kind and open heart. I sincerely recommend Aya's NVC training to anyone seeking to enhance their communication skills and cultivate more harmonious relationships. "

Nonviolent Communication at Ghidotti High

Davis Waldorf School

Coleen Borrego, Director of Pedagogy, Davis Waldorf School

" Aya's workshop invited me to process the steps of Nonviolent Communication very slowly, layer by layer. The repairing work showed me how to approach more challenging situations in my relationships. Slowing down between those steps allowed me to understand my responsibility in each one . Her work reminded me of the narrative often imposed on us, where everyone is either guilty or a victim for some reason and rarely responsible and that what struck me the most to realize that non-violent communication is not just a four-step technique. Instead, when we are ready to move to a more heartfelt place and embrace the innocence of ourselves it becomes something we naturally live and we get ready to share that innocence field with other beings...I'm also grateful for the chance to experience how Aya welcomed an impact in real time during our session—it created a field of love honesty and connection. "
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Melissa Skiles, Director of Community Well-Being, Hamlin School, SF

" I had the distinct pleasure of participating in a Non-Violent Communication (NVC) training led by Aya, an exceptional and insightful trainer. Her ability to create a safe and empathetic space for learning was truly transformative. Through skillful guidance, she imparted the principles of NVC with clarity and practicality, fostering a deep understanding of compassionate communication. Aya's commitment to non-violence and their genuine passion for helping individuals connect on a deeper level were evident throughout the workshop. We collectively left with invaluable tools for navigating challenging conversations, resolving conflicts peacefully, and fostering meaningful connections. Aya's expertise, coupled with her warm and approachable demeanor, made the learning experience not only enlightening and accessible. Aya was a warm and welcoming presence with our faculty and came at a time when the world truly needed her expertise and kind and open heart. I sincerely recommend Aya's NVC training to anyone seeking to enhance their communication skills and cultivate more harmonious relationships. "
Nonviolent Communication at Ghidotti High
Davis Waldorf School

Coleen Borrego, Director of Pedagogy, Davis Waldorf School

" Aya's workshop invited me to process the steps of Nonviolent Communication very slowly, layer by layer. The repairing work showed me how to approach more challenging situations in my relationships. Slowing down between those steps allowed me to understand my responsibility in each one . Her work reminded me of the narrative often imposed on us, where everyone is either guilty or a victim for some reason and rarely responsible and that what struck me the most to realize that non-violent communication is not just a four-step technique. Instead, when we are ready to move to a more heartfelt place and embrace the innocence of ourselves it becomes something we naturally live and we get ready to share that innocence field with other beings...I'm also grateful for the chance to experience how Aya welcomed an impact in real time during our session—it created a field of love honesty and connection. "


“ Life-changing work happens when Aya applies her unique gifts for seeing truth and innocence in situations that feel stuck, unsolvable and helpless. As a parent, I am certain beyond a doubt that my flourishing connection with my 10-year old child, my capacity for handling challenges that arise daily and the promise of a future in which he and I trust each other and stay bonded, are all a result of the work I've done with Aya. Her vision and her teaching empower by showing a way to non-judgement and non-reactivity while "Wanting fully" and not denying my own needs as a mother, as a person. I have continued to study with her for over 7 years because of the tangible improvements I've seen in my relationships, my increased enjoyment of parenting, and my ability to co-create with a community of other parents who are choosing NVC as the path to walk in their own journeys. My child and the other people in my life are the beneficiaries of my work with Aya as her approach to NVC now infuses ALL of my relationships and deepens the sweetness I find in life. Studying with her is the number one recommendation I would have for anyone who wants to parent consciously and nourish their lives. ”
Ross McLeod, California
Amy Cheney, California
Paige Hector, Arizona
Zoe Dorey, Portugal

Adam Pitera, UK

“ I've been part of Aya's parenting workshops for a year and a half now, her approach makes sense in a way that sets you at ease. Parenting teenagers has always been a challenge, but Aya offers something different - a clear, grounded way forward that allows people to truly connect to their teens. What touches me most is how she and her group held space for me during a really difficult time. There's both strength and gentleness in her guidance that helped me find my footing again. Her support offered me a sense of grounding when I needed it most, and helped me discover a more authentic connection with my teen. I'm deeply grateful to have found such an honest and caring mentor on this journey. ”

Beth S.

“ My husband, teenage son and I have been meeting with Aya for for 5 months.  We worked with a family therapist for several months prior to starting with Aya.  We weren't making the progress we had hoped for, so we decided to try NVC with Aya.  When we started our situation was very stressful, and it seemed like it was going nowhere.  However, during our very first session, we had our most heartwarming conversation since our challenges started .  And then by applying NVC principles in our household and having conversations together with Aya weekly, we started seeing breakthroughs. Recently our son graduated from high school, has a responsible job working 30 hours a week, and spends lots of time with friends.  Six months ago this didn't seem possible.Aya also encouraged me to do some 1:1 work with her.  I resisted at first as I wanted my daughter to be able to work with Aya.  Eventually, I decided to prioritize myself too.  I have made huge breakthroughs already -- letting go of shame that was impacting me, my son, and the whole family.I am so happy we found Aya.  I can't recommend her highly enough! ”


“ Dear Aya, Over one year ago, I found you, and since that time, you have helped my son, and my husband and me in innumerable ways. At that time, my son had been diagnosed by four separate psychiatrists as deeply depressed. He could not get up in the morning. He had been arrested for shoplifting, and had committed other thefts. He had lost all his close friends. He was smoking weed constantly and experimenting with other drugs. His father was living in Europe. My husband, his step-father, and his brother, my other son, had a tumultuous relationship. All he had was me. He did not believe me that he was worthwhile in any way. He had not connected with any of the psychiatrsts as therapists. Then he met you. You listened. You reflected back to him his worth as a person. You connected him with his grief, his hopes, his goals. He began to be able to get up in the morning, and to take classes at a local college. He stopped smoking weed or taking any drugs at all. He reached out to a girl he liked, and tried to have a relationship. Even though the relationship did not flower as he wished, you walked beside him, and helped him see that all his steps were noble and true. His long standing arrest for burglary hit him in the face on New Year's Eve. All day long, as he sat in the County Jail, I wished for him to be able to talk to you. Now, as we face attorneys and whatever may come, I know that his inner core, his new found confidence that he is worthy to live and to accomplish all he desires is there. You have helped my husband, work with my son in sessions with you, and you have helped them to see each other as people with needs and desires. You have gotten them to open up to each other, and we hope this process can continue, as it seems to be a place from which both men will begin to grow. You have helped me as a person to see that I can reach into my grief and express it, and you are there to hold it and to listen. You open your heart to us, and we open ours to you. Thank you, Aya. I need to thank you again for the class you facilitated in Truckee a few weeks ago. I got so much out of it and have seen amazing results putting it all into practice with my family. The information and understanding I took away from your class was so valuable and life-enriching for me, and is a gift I would love to be able to give my family so we can all work together to promote NVC and connection within our family and our world. ”

Andreea Federspiel-Otelea, RN, mom of 9 1/2 old daughter

“ During a conflict moment with my pre-teenage daughter, we called Aya for help towards communication. She explained slowly and clearly the use of NVC for a child's understanding, and provided a setting where we could hear each other and discover our misunderstandings. I found Aya's help very crucial at that moment, where a potential escalating conflict could be prevented and redirected constructively through communication. I had the feeling that through her service, I could re-establish a new contact level to my child again, which otherwise would have probably been lost, as it happens to many teenage or pre-teenage families, especially in single parent families, like my own. ”

Kim Howitt

“ I have been part of Aya's NVC parenting group for many years. In fact, it's hard to imagine going through this parenting journey without her wise empathetic guidance and this loving understanding community by my side. This group has had a profound impact on not only my mothering, but on all of my relationships. I've learned to break open old hurtful dynamics and connect with my children in deeply meaningful and holistic ways... to see and love them fully. And NVC's very tangible process for communicating helps my family to move through difficult times with a sense of presence, understanding, authenticity and genuine holding. All of my relationships have had profound transformations as I gain a deeper understanding of the NVC principles. I feel so blessed to be in a community of mothers reaching towards our shared vision of family and community that heals and grows together. Thank you Aya for guiding us through it all! ”

Zoe Dorey, Portugal

“ Meeting Aya has been nothing short of life changing for me.  As a human, a partner, and a parent.  Not only do I feel completely seen and heard by her, but she offers very practical tools for helping solve family conflicts.  She is helping me grow into the parent and human being that I long to be, and I cherish the time I get to spend with heI love to be with Aya and her deep knowledge on NVC. It just seems so embodied and possible to walk the talk! My relationship with my 17 year old daughter is very much transforming due to Aya’s work. I began to believe that the connection I am longing for with my daughter is possible. And how good to also work on my guilt of not having the tools as I raised her… it’s a life process and it has a clear direction now! This work is really revolutionary, gentle, and possible! ”

Jessie Austin, USA

“ Meeting Aya has been nothing short of life changing for me.  As a human, a partner, and a parent.  Not only do I feel completely seen and heard by her, but she offers very practical tools for helping solve family conflicts.  She is helping me grow into the parent and human being that I long to be, and I cherish the time I get to spend with her every month. ”

Jo Guz, Scotland

“ The parenting group has been a safe place to bring the things about parenting that feel the hardest, to be able to connect more deeply with my own longings & positive intent and, from that place to be more able to work with others in a way that takes care of all that’s needed in a more enlivening way.  I’ve found it to be a place of healing and have really enjoyed being in a space full of care and also a space of learning.  It’s been reinvigorating! ”

April Cretzman, California

“ Aya Caspi’s offering of NVC Teen Parenting Group was extremely beneficial to my relationship with my 12 year old. In a short amount of time, I was able to see from his perspective and begin to foster more authentic communication. Together we were able to acknowledge feelings, share view points, and brainstorm compromises that worked for both of us.  My son also began to use NCV language through my modeling. The group format felt very supportive and it was helpful to have shared experiences with other parents. I highly recommend this group! ”


“ Life-changing work happens when Aya applies her unique gifts for seeing truth and innocence in situations that feel stuck, unsolvable and helpless. As a parent, I am certain beyond a doubt that my flourishing connection with my 10-year old child, my capacity for handling challenges that arise daily and the promise of a future in which he and I trust each other and stay bonded, are all a result of the work I've done with Aya. Her vision and her teaching empower by showing a way to non-judgement and non-reactivity while "Wanting fully" and not denying my own needs as a mother, as a person. I have continued to study with her for over 7 years because of the tangible improvements I've seen in my relationships, my increased enjoyment of parenting, and my ability to co-create with a community of other parents who are choosing NVC as the path to walk in their own journeys. My child and the other people in my life are the beneficiaries of my work with Aya as her approach to NVC now infuses ALL of my relationships and deepens the sweetness I find in life. Studying with her is the number one recommendation I would have for anyone who wants to parent consciously and nourish their lives. ”
Ross McLeod, California
Amy Cheney, California
Paige Hector, Arizona
Zoe Dorey, Portugal

Adam Pitera, UK

“ I've been part of Aya's parenting workshops for a year and a half now, her approach makes sense in a way that sets you at ease. Parenting teenagers has always been a challenge, but Aya offers something different - a clear, grounded way forward that allows people to truly connect to their teens. What touches me most is how she and her group held space for me during a really difficult time. There's both strength and gentleness in her guidance that helped me find my footing again. Her support offered me a sense of grounding when I needed it most, and helped me discover a more authentic connection with my teen. I'm deeply grateful to have found such an honest and caring mentor on this journey. ”

Beth S.

“ My husband, teenage son and I have been meeting with Aya for for 5 months.  We worked with a family therapist for several months prior to starting with Aya.  We weren't making the progress we had hoped for, so we decided to try NVC with Aya.  When we started our situation was very stressful, and it seemed like it was going nowhere.  However, during our very first session, we had our most heartwarming conversation since our challenges started .  And then by applying NVC principles in our household and having conversations together with Aya weekly, we started seeing breakthroughs. Recently our son graduated from high school, has a responsible job working 30 hours a week, and spends lots of time with friends.  Six months ago this didn't seem possible.Aya also encouraged me to do some 1:1 work with her.  I resisted at first as I wanted my daughter to be able to work with Aya.  Eventually, I decided to prioritize myself too.  I have made huge breakthroughs already -- letting go of shame that was impacting me, my son, and the whole family.I am so happy we found Aya.  I can't recommend her highly enough! ”


“ Dear Aya, Over one year ago, I found you, and since that time, you have helped my son, and my husband and me in innumerable ways. At that time, my son had been diagnosed by four separate psychiatrists as deeply depressed. He could not get up in the morning. He had been arrested for shoplifting, and had committed other thefts. He had lost all his close friends. He was smoking weed constantly and experimenting with other drugs. His father was living in Europe. My husband, his step-father, and his brother, my other son, had a tumultuous relationship. All he had was me. He did not believe me that he was worthwhile in any way. He had not connected with any of the psychiatrsts as therapists. Then he met you. You listened. You reflected back to him his worth as a person. You connected him with his grief, his hopes, his goals. He began to be able to get up in the morning, and to take classes at a local college. He stopped smoking weed or taking any drugs at all. He reached out to a girl he liked, and tried to have a relationship. Even though the relationship did not flower as he wished, you walked beside him, and helped him see that all his steps were noble and true. His long standing arrest for burglary hit him in the face on New Year's Eve. All day long, as he sat in the County Jail, I wished for him to be able to talk to you. Now, as we face attorneys and whatever may come, I know that his inner core, his new found confidence that he is worthy to live and to accomplish all he desires is there. You have helped my husband, work with my son in sessions with you, and you have helped them to see each other as people with needs and desires. You have gotten them to open up to each other, and we hope this process can continue, as it seems to be a place from which both men will begin to grow. You have helped me as a person to see that I can reach into my grief and express it, and you are there to hold it and to listen. You open your heart to us, and we open ours to you. Thank you, Aya. I need to thank you again for the class you facilitated in Truckee a few weeks ago. I got so much out of it and have seen amazing results putting it all into practice with my family. The information and understanding I took away from your class was so valuable and life-enriching for me, and is a gift I would love to be able to give my family so we can all work together to promote NVC and connection within our family and our world. ”

Andreea Federspiel-Otelea, RN, mom of 9 1/2 old daughter

“ During a conflict moment with my pre-teenage daughter, we called Aya for help towards communication. She explained slowly and clearly the use of NVC for a child's understanding, and provided a setting where we could hear each other and discover our misunderstandings. I found Aya's help very crucial at that moment, where a potential escalating conflict could be prevented and redirected constructively through communication. I had the feeling that through her service, I could re-establish a new contact level to my child again, which otherwise would have probably been lost, as it happens to many teenage or pre-teenage families, especially in single parent families, like my own. ”

Kim Howitt

“ I have been part of Aya's NVC parenting group for many years. In fact, it's hard to imagine going through this parenting journey without her wise empathetic guidance and this loving understanding community by my side. This group has had a profound impact on not only my mothering, but on all of my relationships. I've learned to break open old hurtful dynamics and connect with my children in deeply meaningful and holistic ways... to see and love them fully. And NVC's very tangible process for communicating helps my family to move through difficult times with a sense of presence, understanding, authenticity and genuine holding. All of my relationships have had profound transformations as I gain a deeper understanding of the NVC principles. I feel so blessed to be in a community of mothers reaching towards our shared vision of family and community that heals and grows together. Thank you Aya for guiding us through it all! ”

Zoe Dorey, Portugal

“ Meeting Aya has been nothing short of life changing for me.  As a human, a partner, and a parent.  Not only do I feel completely seen and heard by her, but she offers very practical tools for helping solve family conflicts.  She is helping me grow into the parent and human being that I long to be, and I cherish the time I get to spend with heI love to be with Aya and her deep knowledge on NVC. It just seems so embodied and possible to walk the talk! My relationship with my 17 year old daughter is very much transforming due to Aya’s work. I began to believe that the connection I am longing for with my daughter is possible. And how good to also work on my guilt of not having the tools as I raised her… it’s a life process and it has a clear direction now! This work is really revolutionary, gentle, and possible! ”

Jessie Austin, USA

“ Meeting Aya has been nothing short of life changing for me.  As a human, a partner, and a parent.  Not only do I feel completely seen and heard by her, but she offers very practical tools for helping solve family conflicts.  She is helping me grow into the parent and human being that I long to be, and I cherish the time I get to spend with her every month. ”

Jo Guz, Scotland

“ The parenting group has been a safe place to bring the things about parenting that feel the hardest, to be able to connect more deeply with my own longings & positive intent and, from that place to be more able to work with others in a way that takes care of all that’s needed in a more enlivening way.  I’ve found it to be a place of healing and have really enjoyed being in a space full of care and also a space of learning.  It’s been reinvigorating! ”

April Cretzman, California

“ Aya Caspi’s offering of NVC Teen Parenting Group was extremely beneficial to my relationship with my 12 year old. In a short amount of time, I was able to see from his perspective and begin to foster more authentic communication. Together we were able to acknowledge feelings, share view points, and brainstorm compromises that worked for both of us.  My son also began to use NCV language through my modeling. The group format felt very supportive and it was helpful to have shared experiences with other parents. I highly recommend this group! ”

N. from New York

“ It is no exaggeration to say that Aya is a life saver, a life changer, and a life builder.  I've worked with Aya on a number of topics, from deep seated emotional issues to how to communicate more effectively to how to parent better.  Aya approaches each issue with exceptional care, sensitivity and wisdom.  Her insights are always intelligent and illuminating.  Aya challenges you to grow and learn, and she facilitates real and lasting healing.  She does this without pressure or judgment, instead helping you find this organically and authentically from within yourself. It is also important to acknowledge the incredible and absolute generosity with which Aya approaches this work.  She truly is an exceptional person. I can say that I am deeply grateful for the privilege of having worked with Aya. ”
Lisa Rothman, California

Naomi Jackson, PhD, Professor of Dance, Arizona State University

" Nora Heiber is an extremely compassionate and close listener. She is able to tease out the most important aspects of what is communicated to her and then articulate in words what is often a blur of feelings and thoughts on the part of the speaker. Moreover, once she has nailed the exact issues at stake, she is able to offer insight into possible strategies to draw on to resolve any conflicts or problems. Heiber draws on her training in NVC as well as work in restorative justice in her work. I also believe that her experience as a professional dancer and work as a union representative have provided her with special tools that are valuable in working specifically with dance artists from many backgrounds. I highly recommend Nora; she is simply exceptional. "

Pandora Taylor, Asst. Director Project CHOICES

“ I met Aya in January 2013, when she was assisting with the BayNVC Leadership Program retreat. I experienced her as very intuitive and able to bring clarity to a situation. She is deeply empathic and listens at multiple levels. Her work is to support people and the systems they participate in to create sustainable change and new paradigms for navigating the issues that come up in relationships. Shortly after the retreat, I reached out to her for support with a situation in our organization. Her coaching style is empowering with a no-blame/no-shame approach. There was an easiness in how we navigated the coaching sessions. Her demeanor and presence created a safe space to navigate the tough systems issues and explore ways to resolve the tension I was experiencing. After a couple sessions our work expanded to include some challenges I was having in my relationship with family members. Her coaching provided what I needed to move forward and get "unstuck".  I always left the coaching conversations with clarity and enabled to move forward. The strategies she used were extremely beneficial in helping me identify what was happening and to find ways to create new patterns of thoughts and responses. Her skills and abilities supported me and I came away with doable action steps. Her coaching style, skills, and capabilities supported my professional and personal needs. I continue to seek coaching support from Aya. ”


“ During the healing sessions, Aya created a safe container for the scared, vulnerable, confused child part of me to be held and received. She did this with gentle sensitivity, alert presence, warmth and intuition. I felt deeply seen and was able to come back into my power. ”

Leigh H

“ When I embarked on this journey of working with Aya a few years ago, I was in a great deal of emotional pain and desperately looking for some tools to help alleviate it. I had no idea that my work with her would come to have life transforming and spiritual properties. Reflecting on my life prior to working with her, I am amazed at the completely different person which has emerged. The same “me” has always been there of course, as it is in all of us. It was just so deeply buried, I had long forgotten who it was. Through patience, love, and artful reflection, Aya helped me dig through layers of anger and resentment which obscured my true and deeper longings. Now, I am now able to clearly see the difference between my judgments and feelings. I still judge, just as we all do, but now I witness the judgments as they arise and recognize them for what they are, without judging myself in the process. Now, when I get triggered, I remember to identify the longing behind the emotion and gain a deeper connection with myself, and consequently with others. On a practical level, this awareness often leads to a greater fulfillment of my needs ultimately, because I am more able to accurately identify my true feelings and make requests from this more connected place. My relationships now are more meaningful and authentic. I see life now as an opportunity to grow and deepen connections with others. This includes the most mundane interactions with others to the most important and significant relationships in my life. The love, support, and presence I have received from working with Aya has been a gift. I will forever be grateful for the contribution Aya has made to my family, to myself, and to the world at large. Thank you Aya! ”

Amanda Blaine, Portland, Oregon

“ It's hard to think of something to say about Aya that doesn't sound like exaggeration or cliche. At the end of the session, she asks, “How are you feeling now?” Today, as usual, I could hardly keep from interrupting her. “I can’t wait!!!” I practically yelled, “I want to have this conversation right now!!!” Everything had shifted from when we started an hour ago, from when I started with a lot of ‘um'-ing and ‘ah'-ing, dancing around a topic that I was almost too embarrassed to say out loud. Her care, insight, and matter-of-factness about even the most personal and tender subjects helps me open up, first, then come into self-connection, and finally into fully confident celebration. She combines empathic presence with no-nonsense coaching in a way that has led to so much growth and learning for me this year. ”


“ Reclaiming Innocence. What if I told you that you are innocent and will be proven more innocent the more you keep looking?  For years, I’ve avoided addressing the shame I’ve held onto about my experience of being raped when I was sixteen years old.  Simply put, I believed it was my fault and that I should never have gone to that party. I thought I would tuck that experience (as well as many other shameful memories) away as I focused on the present moment.  Then I heard Aya’s perspective on NVC as a process of reclaiming our own innocence. In a Zoom session witnessed by beloved friends, Aya led me through my memory and thoughts of my sixteen year old experience with my needs and feelings at the forefront of the conversation. You know what I learned? That sixteen year old girl went to that party because she was craving connection, intimacy, and love. She drank to feel comfortable in her skin so that she could meet her needs for connection, intimacy, and love. She wanted to feel alive so that she wouldn’t die. How innocent… Imagine THAT was the narrative told when a rape victim shares their story. “You went to that party because you wanted to feel loved… You did what you did because you longed to meet your soul’s need for connection. And the avenue you chose is what you truly believed was available. You. Are. Loved.” Fortunately, with Aya’s facilitation and the support of loving community, I was able to tell my sixteen year old self just that. Rewriting the past by substituting lies with the truth reprograms the present. The biggest shift this perspective of innocence has made is eradicating the notion of the self, its impulses, and past experiences as bad. When I realize more and more that “bad” does not exist, I am free to look at my experiences with curiosity and dissolve shame and judgment with compassion. I am able to touch truth and let truth touch me. I can look at myself without conditions and that is freedom. In seeing myself this way, I am able to see others in the same light. I am learning that people are not “bad.” Rather, life is trying to meet fundamental needs. As a result, I’ve been able to have more intimate and authentic conversations with people I used to judge as “bad” because I can now see beyond such a concept.  My hope is that the more I can view myself as innocent, I will be able to see the everlasting layer of purity of others. Life is always trying to meet the qualities of the spirit. It knows no moral judgments. When we can view people through this perspective, we can look each other in the eyes and say, 'How innocent.' ”


“ I started meeting with Aya in 2011 after I had decided to give up smoking marijuana. After years of constant use of this drug, my mind was in very bad shape, to say the least. Talking to a neutral person became a life-line for during the early stages of recovery. Through Aya’s help I was able to let go of many troubling memories, as well as move forward in trying to get back on my feet. The life-crippling depression, which lasted over two years, forced me to look at what’s really important to me. I want to give something back to the world. Aya’s sessions with me were based on her knowledge of non-violent communication. Her lessons about how relationships are based on people’s needs were of great service to me. She also taught me to be more empathic towards others. I am very grateful to have met Aya. She saw something in me, and without her encouragement I would probably not be where I am today. Now, I have my life back, have made many friends, and am going to school to pursue a career in a field I am very passionate about. I would encourage others to work with her to make their lives less violent ones. ”

N. from New York

“ It is no exaggeration to say that Aya is a life saver, a life changer, and a life builder.  I've worked with Aya on a number of topics, from deep seated emotional issues to how to communicate more effectively to how to parent better.  Aya approaches each issue with exceptional care, sensitivity and wisdom.  Her insights are always intelligent and illuminating.  Aya challenges you to grow and learn, and she facilitates real and lasting healing.  She does this without pressure or judgment, instead helping you find this organically and authentically from within yourself. It is also important to acknowledge the incredible and absolute generosity with which Aya approaches this work.  She truly is an exceptional person. I can say that I am deeply grateful for the privilege of having worked with Aya. ”
Lisa Rothman, California

Naomi Jackson, PhD, Professor of Dance, Arizona State University

" Nora Heiber is an extremely compassionate and close listener. She is able to tease out the most important aspects of what is communicated to her and then articulate in words what is often a blur of feelings and thoughts on the part of the speaker. Moreover, once she has nailed the exact issues at stake, she is able to offer insight into possible strategies to draw on to resolve any conflicts or problems. Heiber draws on her training in NVC as well as work in restorative justice in her work. I also believe that her experience as a professional dancer and work as a union representative have provided her with special tools that are valuable in working specifically with dance artists from many backgrounds. I highly recommend Nora; she is simply exceptional. "

Pandora Taylor, Asst. Director Project CHOICES

“ I met Aya in January 2013, when she was assisting with the BayNVC Leadership Program retreat. I experienced her as very intuitive and able to bring clarity to a situation. She is deeply empathic and listens at multiple levels. Her work is to support people and the systems they participate in to create sustainable change and new paradigms for navigating the issues that come up in relationships. Shortly after the retreat, I reached out to her for support with a situation in our organization. Her coaching style is empowering with a no-blame/no-shame approach. There was an easiness in how we navigated the coaching sessions. Her demeanor and presence created a safe space to navigate the tough systems issues and explore ways to resolve the tension I was experiencing. After a couple sessions our work expanded to include some challenges I was having in my relationship with family members. Her coaching provided what I needed to move forward and get "unstuck".  I always left the coaching conversations with clarity and enabled to move forward. The strategies she used were extremely beneficial in helping me identify what was happening and to find ways to create new patterns of thoughts and responses. Her skills and abilities supported me and I came away with doable action steps. Her coaching style, skills, and capabilities supported my professional and personal needs. I continue to seek coaching support from Aya. ”


“ During the healing sessions, Aya created a safe container for the scared, vulnerable, confused child part of me to be held and received. She did this with gentle sensitivity, alert presence, warmth and intuition. I felt deeply seen and was able to come back into my power. ”

Leigh H

“ When I embarked on this journey of working with Aya a few years ago, I was in a great deal of emotional pain and desperately looking for some tools to help alleviate it. I had no idea that my work with her would come to have life transforming and spiritual properties. Reflecting on my life prior to working with her, I am amazed at the completely different person which has emerged. The same “me” has always been there of course, as it is in all of us. It was just so deeply buried, I had long forgotten who it was. Through patience, love, and artful reflection, Aya helped me dig through layers of anger and resentment which obscured my true and deeper longings. Now, I am now able to clearly see the difference between my judgments and feelings. I still judge, just as we all do, but now I witness the judgments as they arise and recognize them for what they are, without judging myself in the process. Now, when I get triggered, I remember to identify the longing behind the emotion and gain a deeper connection with myself, and consequently with others. On a practical level, this awareness often leads to a greater fulfillment of my needs ultimately, because I am more able to accurately identify my true feelings and make requests from this more connected place. My relationships now are more meaningful and authentic. I see life now as an opportunity to grow and deepen connections with others. This includes the most mundane interactions with others to the most important and significant relationships in my life. The love, support, and presence I have received from working with Aya has been a gift. I will forever be grateful for the contribution Aya has made to my family, to myself, and to the world at large. Thank you Aya! ”

Amanda Blaine, Portland, Oregon

“ It's hard to think of something to say about Aya that doesn't sound like exaggeration or cliche. At the end of the session, she asks, “How are you feeling now?” Today, as usual, I could hardly keep from interrupting her. “I can’t wait!!!” I practically yelled, “I want to have this conversation right now!!!” Everything had shifted from when we started an hour ago, from when I started with a lot of ‘um'-ing and ‘ah'-ing, dancing around a topic that I was almost too embarrassed to say out loud. Her care, insight, and matter-of-factness about even the most personal and tender subjects helps me open up, first, then come into self-connection, and finally into fully confident celebration. She combines empathic presence with no-nonsense coaching in a way that has led to so much growth and learning for me this year. ”


“ Reclaiming Innocence. What if I told you that you are innocent and will be proven more innocent the more you keep looking?  For years, I’ve avoided addressing the shame I’ve held onto about my experience of being raped when I was sixteen years old.  Simply put, I believed it was my fault and that I should never have gone to that party. I thought I would tuck that experience (as well as many other shameful memories) away as I focused on the present moment.  Then I heard Aya’s perspective on NVC as a process of reclaiming our own innocence. In a Zoom session witnessed by beloved friends, Aya led me through my memory and thoughts of my sixteen year old experience with my needs and feelings at the forefront of the conversation. You know what I learned? That sixteen year old girl went to that party because she was craving connection, intimacy, and love. She drank to feel comfortable in her skin so that she could meet her needs for connection, intimacy, and love. She wanted to feel alive so that she wouldn’t die. How innocent… Imagine THAT was the narrative told when a rape victim shares their story. “You went to that party because you wanted to feel loved… You did what you did because you longed to meet your soul’s need for connection. And the avenue you chose is what you truly believed was available. You. Are. Loved.” Fortunately, with Aya’s facilitation and the support of loving community, I was able to tell my sixteen year old self just that. Rewriting the past by substituting lies with the truth reprograms the present. The biggest shift this perspective of innocence has made is eradicating the notion of the self, its impulses, and past experiences as bad. When I realize more and more that “bad” does not exist, I am free to look at my experiences with curiosity and dissolve shame and judgment with compassion. I am able to touch truth and let truth touch me. I can look at myself without conditions and that is freedom. In seeing myself this way, I am able to see others in the same light. I am learning that people are not “bad.” Rather, life is trying to meet fundamental needs. As a result, I’ve been able to have more intimate and authentic conversations with people I used to judge as “bad” because I can now see beyond such a concept.  My hope is that the more I can view myself as innocent, I will be able to see the everlasting layer of purity of others. Life is always trying to meet the qualities of the spirit. It knows no moral judgments. When we can view people through this perspective, we can look each other in the eyes and say, 'How innocent.' ”


“ I started meeting with Aya in 2011 after I had decided to give up smoking marijuana. After years of constant use of this drug, my mind was in very bad shape, to say the least. Talking to a neutral person became a life-line for during the early stages of recovery. Through Aya’s help I was able to let go of many troubling memories, as well as move forward in trying to get back on my feet. The life-crippling depression, which lasted over two years, forced me to look at what’s really important to me. I want to give something back to the world. Aya’s sessions with me were based on her knowledge of non-violent communication. Her lessons about how relationships are based on people’s needs were of great service to me. She also taught me to be more empathic towards others. I am very grateful to have met Aya. She saw something in me, and without her encouragement I would probably not be where I am today. Now, I have my life back, have made many friends, and am going to school to pursue a career in a field I am very passionate about. I would encourage others to work with her to make their lives less violent ones. ”

Rachel Gamolsky, CA

“ Though there was a lot of pain and distrust between us somehow through Aya, through our trust in her we restored our trust in each other. We have had a session every two weeks and sometimes weekly, and I can say without a doubt that if it was not for Aya I would not be with my husband today, nor would I have had such compassion and understanding as a guiding force. ”


“ I have known Aya for almost 2 decades. Aya’s biggest strength is her ability to listen. If I had to choose someone to make peace between nations, it would be Aya Caspi. She has the talent to make peace and harmony between entities. She has the knowledge and the ability to turn a negatively charged person to a calm and happy person, in a few minutes.  I came to Aya when me and my husband were on the edge of getting divorced. Aya was the person who saved our marriage. It’s not only about saving your marriage but also about learning, growing and developing new ways to communicate in a non harmful way. By her, I could learn about NVC and communication, being vulnerable and finding the vulnerability in myself. Aya is a great listener and you will find comfort and an open ear for your needs and feelings. Aya knows how to find the harmony path and how to make sure everyone is satisfied, which is not for granted. I am so grateful to know Aya. ”

Michell and Andrei Armeanu

“ Approximately one year ago we sought Aya's help when we found ourselves unable to speak with each other about many essential subjects. This was wreaking havoc in our marriage and we were on the verge of breaking up. The tensions and arguments between us were seriously affecting our children, too. As we sat with Aya, partnered with Peter Cohen, they skillfully helped us establish the safety we needed to explore and express our needs. Aya's amazing insight and ability to see and express the deeper layers of emotions and needs was pivotal to the freedom and full expression we experienced. We now make extensive use of many of the tools learned in those sessions to communicate and dissolve many volatile situations that would have easily lead to explosive conflict before. Our ability to handle difficult interactions with our children has dramatically increased as well, as a result. We also continue to learn from her in our practice group. We look forward to more time with Aya as an NVC trainer/facilitator, and as a dear and loving friend. The one thing we'd like to find a way to express (and didn't...) is just her uniqueness. ”

Kim, NYC

“ Working with Aya has had a profoundly transformational impact on our marriage. Her clarity, her insight, and her truly unconditional care and commitment has guided us out of an incredibly difficult time in our relationship. She has taught us (and continues to teach us) a very tangible process for communicating, a process that helps to break down old hurtful dynamics and to rebuild a much deeper connection. I will forever be so grateful to have her in our lives. Having the opportunity to work with her is a true blessing. ”

Jozelle Wong Yu

“ I remember when Dan and I first started seeing Aya for private couples calls in July 2020. I remember being on the verge of utter hopelessness and fear about working through the conflicts in our relationship, because at that point, they felt clumped together as one massive, wildly tangled knot. The more Dan and I tried to work at the knot ourselves, the tighter the tangles became. After months of stagnation and unrest for us both, Dan reached out to Aya with an intention we shared for getting support that would lead to deep and true movement, healing, and a return to togetherness.  So when we started working with Aya, one of the first things I noticed is that she slooooowwwwwed the conversation down. Each person would say a few bits at a time about what was alive for them, and Aya, with so much care and warmth, facilitated a process ensuring each person felt truly heard and understood. Aya also gave words to things I had trouble naming for myself, which turned out to be a huge relief to hear my internal experience named out loud and witnessed by her and Dan. Within Aya’s container of warmth, care, and highly-skilled facilitation, Dan and I worked at untangling the knot that was our relational conflict, uncovering the gems of our longings and deep love for one another. With each call, it became easier for me to see my partner’s innocence, love his needs, and collaborate on strategies that would care for us both. I also felt so satisfied in seeing Dan and I apply the skills we learned on our calls in our everyday interactions. It is October 2020 now, and while we may not have everything figured out, I feel confident in Dan’s and my ability to truly talk with one another, to reach for each other’s innocence while telling the truth, and to hold each other close along the way. I have so much gratitude for Aya for embodying the bridge of capacity, warmth, and skill that we needed for this precious shift in our partnership. ”


“ Despite much love, my partner and I were having some difficulty communicating about some very personal issues in our relationship. Aya’s guidance allowed us to deeply explore not only the issues themselves, but the feelings that had made them difficult to discuss in the first place. Over the course of a couple of months of sessions every week or so, we grew to understand how the existence of past traumatic/difficult experiences led to difficulties coping with present-day issues. These discoveries helped us know each other a lot better, which in turn led to an ability to more gently raise the issues and also to more capacity to hear and respond to them when they were brought up. Thank you, Aya, for all the love you have brought to us, and have helped us bring out in each other. ”

Rachel Gamolsky, CA

“ Though there was a lot of pain and distrust between us somehow through Aya, through our trust in her we restored our trust in each other. We have had a session every two weeks and sometimes weekly, and I can say without a doubt that if it was not for Aya I would not be with my husband today, nor would I have had such compassion and understanding as a guiding force. ”


“ I have known Aya for almost 2 decades. Aya’s biggest strength is her ability to listen. If I had to choose someone to make peace between nations, it would be Aya Caspi. She has the talent to make peace and harmony between entities. She has the knowledge and the ability to turn a negatively charged person to a calm and happy person, in a few minutes.  I came to Aya when me and my husband were on the edge of getting divorced. Aya was the person who saved our marriage. It’s not only about saving your marriage but also about learning, growing and developing new ways to communicate in a non harmful way. By her, I could learn about NVC and communication, being vulnerable and finding the vulnerability in myself. Aya is a great listener and you will find comfort and an open ear for your needs and feelings. Aya knows how to find the harmony path and how to make sure everyone is satisfied, which is not for granted. I am so grateful to know Aya. ”

Michell and Andrei Armeanu

“ Approximately one year ago we sought Aya's help when we found ourselves unable to speak with each other about many essential subjects. This was wreaking havoc in our marriage and we were on the verge of breaking up. The tensions and arguments between us were seriously affecting our children, too. As we sat with Aya, partnered with Peter Cohen, they skillfully helped us establish the safety we needed to explore and express our needs. Aya's amazing insight and ability to see and express the deeper layers of emotions and needs was pivotal to the freedom and full expression we experienced. We now make extensive use of many of the tools learned in those sessions to communicate and dissolve many volatile situations that would have easily lead to explosive conflict before. Our ability to handle difficult interactions with our children has dramatically increased as well, as a result. We also continue to learn from her in our practice group. We look forward to more time with Aya as an NVC trainer/facilitator, and as a dear and loving friend. The one thing we'd like to find a way to express (and didn't...) is just her uniqueness. ”

Kim, NYC

“ Working with Aya has had a profoundly transformational impact on our marriage. Her clarity, her insight, and her truly unconditional care and commitment has guided us out of an incredibly difficult time in our relationship. She has taught us (and continues to teach us) a very tangible process for communicating, a process that helps to break down old hurtful dynamics and to rebuild a much deeper connection. I will forever be so grateful to have her in our lives. Having the opportunity to work with her is a true blessing. ”

Jozelle Wong Yu

“ I remember when Dan and I first started seeing Aya for private couples calls in July 2020. I remember being on the verge of utter hopelessness and fear about working through the conflicts in our relationship, because at that point, they felt clumped together as one massive, wildly tangled knot. The more Dan and I tried to work at the knot ourselves, the tighter the tangles became. After months of stagnation and unrest for us both, Dan reached out to Aya with an intention we shared for getting support that would lead to deep and true movement, healing, and a return to togetherness.  So when we started working with Aya, one of the first things I noticed is that she slooooowwwwwed the conversation down. Each person would say a few bits at a time about what was alive for them, and Aya, with so much care and warmth, facilitated a process ensuring each person felt truly heard and understood. Aya also gave words to things I had trouble naming for myself, which turned out to be a huge relief to hear my internal experience named out loud and witnessed by her and Dan. Within Aya’s container of warmth, care, and highly-skilled facilitation, Dan and I worked at untangling the knot that was our relational conflict, uncovering the gems of our longings and deep love for one another. With each call, it became easier for me to see my partner’s innocence, love his needs, and collaborate on strategies that would care for us both. I also felt so satisfied in seeing Dan and I apply the skills we learned on our calls in our everyday interactions. It is October 2020 now, and while we may not have everything figured out, I feel confident in Dan’s and my ability to truly talk with one another, to reach for each other’s innocence while telling the truth, and to hold each other close along the way. I have so much gratitude for Aya for embodying the bridge of capacity, warmth, and skill that we needed for this precious shift in our partnership. ”


“ Despite much love, my partner and I were having some difficulty communicating about some very personal issues in our relationship. Aya’s guidance allowed us to deeply explore not only the issues themselves, but the feelings that had made them difficult to discuss in the first place. Over the course of a couple of months of sessions every week or so, we grew to understand how the existence of past traumatic/difficult experiences led to difficulties coping with present-day issues. These discoveries helped us know each other a lot better, which in turn led to an ability to more gently raise the issues and also to more capacity to hear and respond to them when they were brought up. Thank you, Aya, for all the love you have brought to us, and have helped us bring out in each other. ”


“ Aya's leadership is sharp and compassionate. I fell in love with how she responded to the questions. She is a teacher you could trust unconditionally. Her words and actions are manifestations of NVC consciousness. Her heart is as innocent as a child. I'm grateful and enjoying having a teacher like her. ”
Chinese NVC Net 5th Anniversary Interview

NVC China Testimonial 14

" Although it was a free public class, Aya put her heart and soul into it, preparing as if it were a formal course. Her dedication and professionalism deeply moved me. From the course content to the meticulously crafted PowerPoint slides, everything reflected her respect and care for the participants. I was particularly impressed by Aya's rigor and systematic approach, qualities I greatly admire. I especially appreciated Aya's teaching pace. After explaining each small segment, she would pause to allow time for questions and feedback, making the pace comfortable and the class highly engaging. The theoretical content of the course was rich and in-depth, which is very appealing to participants. Overall, this was a high-quality public class. Aya's commitment and dedication left me deeply impressed. "

NVC China Testimonial 13

" During the session, I made a little diagram for myself as a reminder to respond within the intersection of my capacity and willingness, to maximize support for my needs and others’. "

NVC China Testimonial 12

" Thank you so much, Xuan and Aya, for the wonderful two-hour class this morning. It gave me a clear understanding of boundaries, how to say no with love, how to make NVC-style apologies, and it nourished my growth and learning. I’m so touched and happy—my needs for growth and learning are deeply nourished. "

NVC China Testimonial 11

" Realizing that my needs in the moment are my boundaries and reconnecting with myself through my needs brought such ease and clarity. Then, practicing that exercise and saying no with care for the other person brought me so much joy.? "

NVC China Testimonial 10

" Aya’s guidance felt like eating a compressed biscuit—it was so rich and fulfilling, even a bit overwhelming to digest all at once. I’ll need to review and revisit it again. "

NVC China Testimonial 9

" It was my first time attending Aya’s course. The content was incredibly rich. As some partners mentioned, there’s a lot of information, and I feel it takes time to digest. In terms of content, I’ve participated in a parenting course before, which also covered similar topics like boundaries and shared power. Personally, I think Aya’s explanations are more logical and systematic. The course content and the coordination between you both showcased qualities of presence, authenticity, and sincerity—truly amazing. If I may make a suggestion, I think reducing the amount of information might make it lighter for everyone. For example, when presenting the complete course framework, focusing on just one point could make it more manageable. That’s just my experience. "

NVC China Testimonial 8

" I attended Aya’s course during the pandemic, which left a deep impression on me, and I really enjoyed it. ? I had some beautiful takeaways today as well. Thank you for organizing and serving us! ?? The phrase “Needs are our internal boundaries” from Aya left a deep impression on me—something to ponder over and over again. ? "

NVC China Testimonial 7

" I want to express gratitude because I know balancing everything in this process isn’t easy. I also want to share my willingness to contribute. I’ve translated two of Aya’s courses before, and some of today’s content overlapped, which helped me consolidate my understanding. "

NVC China Testimonial 6

" I’ve already purchased the course. Thank you for inviting Aya to talk about conflict and repair—I’m so glad to have the opportunity to learn together. ??? "

NVC China Testimonial 5

" Aya is very wise and has a strong ability to understand people’s inner thoughts. She could accurately identify the needs behind my hesitation when invited to lunch with friends. Whether it was the theoretical explanation or live case demonstrations, everything was very clear. When I shared that I knew I couldn’t yet achieve something at my current level, Aya comforted me by saying I could take my time to heal. In addition to her wisdom and clarity, Aya is also a very compassionate teacher. "

NVC China Testimonial 4

" Thank you, Aya, and Xuan, for your gifts. The course covered several points I’ve been exploring recently (the universe has sent me gifts again—big ones.I’ll take some time to review and reflect further. The value of Aya’s course is incredibly high—this is my personal experience. "

NVC China Testimonial 3

" I’ve wanted to express myself for one or two months, and after yesterday’s class, I gained the courage, confidence, and strength to do it. I expressed myself right away yesterday at noon. "

NVC China Testimonial 2

" Aya connected boundaries with needs, and I remembered it instantly. In fact, I’ve never been very clear about what my boundaries are, but as soon as I heard about connecting with needs, I immediately felt clarity and empowerment. "

NVC China Testimonial 1

" I haven’t seen Aya for over a year, and she looks younger and more beautiful than ever—is this the legendary effect of NVC content? "


Celebrating a deepening understanding of the spiritual core of NVC, especially the beautiful flavors of wholeness. With this consciousness, I believe that we'll be able to make good use of various practices to truly support ourselves and others to live out their longings to the fullest. I have also received much appreciation from fellow participants, which used to make me feel awkward. Now with a lens of innocence, I'm able to truly welcome this appreciation and the flow


Aya embodies the meaning of reclaiming and the courage of reclaiming, which will have a profound effect on every o one of us. Thank you very much.

郭阳 Guo Yang

在学习的过程中越来越可以看到,尤其是自己和对方脆弱的部分,这让我清晰的感受觉察到了从内在升发的慈悲与力量In the process of learning, I have increasing awareness, especially about the vulnerable parts of myself and others, which makes me clearly feel the compassion and power that rises from within.

Wendy 乌依沁

收获了:对“重拾”的领悟。纯真、喜悦、选择、脆弱,这些美好的东西就在我们的内在。无需创造,只需消除障碍。My gain is the comprehension of 'reclaiming'. Innocence, joy, choice, vulnerability, these beautiful things are within us. No need to create, just eliminate obstacles.


与人相处,不是只有独立和依赖,不是对立,是相互依存,如何互相协作是需要去学习的。最近很困惑的点有了清晰。Getting along with others is not just about independence and dependence. It's not about opposition. it's about interdependence. How to collaborate with each other requires learning. The confusing points have become clearer recently.


Thank you Aya, can’t talk due to still in office, just want to share the appreciation on how deeply touched in all these sessions, really mindset changing!!!

7组 Serena大力

这期课程很多收获,感觉没法细说。最大的感触是对NVC精神有更多的链接与触动。I have many gains and I feel unable to elaborate on it. The biggest feeling is that I’m more connected to and touched by the NVC spirit.

张晓华Zhang Xiaohua

感恩老师 Appreciation to Aya From 晴方 Qingfang 每周一次的加油站,给我力量,让我可以坚定,坚持The course is like a weekly gas station that has given me the strength to have power and be persistent

樊樊 Fanfan

必须的庆祝,确认,清晰了内心渴望的对nvc的理解,些刻心怀喜悦。We must celebrate The course supports me to confirm and clarify the understanding of NVC that my heart desires, and this moment I’m filled with joy.

王蕾Wang Lei

课程内容给了我很多刷新,太多了,感觉无法一时说清楚!今天最大的收获是知道可以无条件的接受!The course content has enlightened me in many ways. There are too many, I feel like I can't explain them clearly at this moment! The biggest gain today is knowing that we can accept unconditionally!


最大的收获是纯真假设。The biggest gain is the assumption of innocence.


庆祝8周的学习让我对NVC的精神内核有了更深的理解,对人性的美好、相互依存有了更多信任,也相信自己有力量重拾自己的脆弱、纯真和完整,愿更多由衷的给予与接受流动,感恩AYA老师,感恩所有伙伴们 ~ Celebrating the 8 weeks of study that has given me a deeper understanding of the spiritual core of NVC, and increased my trust in the beauty of human nature and our interdependence. I also believe that I have the power to reclaim my vulnerability, innocence, and wholeness. I am willing to give and receive and sincerely allow them to flow. So grateful to Teacher AYA, and grateful to all the participants ~

Yumi, China

“ Aya has led me to go through a journey from suffering to self-love and loving others. She leads life to a status of innocence and beauty. ”

Lucy, China

“ Aya’s teaching is worth reviewing again and again. I’m touched deep in the heart and have regained freedom, choicefulness and strength. ”

Maple, China

“ Every sentences Aya articulates is a natural manifestation of NVC consciousness. I’m full of admiration toward her. ”


“ I'm moved to have such high-quality companions during COVID and deep community connection and sense of belong. Lots of my awareness has been awakened and I'm supported by spiritual strength. Aya's rootedness has opened my eyes and made me trust in NVC and trust more my own choice about going on this path towards innocence, healing and compassion. ”


“ Aya showed me the way into the NVC spirituality. The more I learn, the wider my vision is, and the more grounded my heart is. I found the pure beauty in compassion and my heart has been nourished. ”


“ Aya's leadership is sharp and compassionate. I fell in love with how she responded to the questions. She is a teacher you could trust unconditionally. Her words and actions are manifestations of NVC consciousness. Her heart is as innocent as a child. I'm grateful and enjoying having a teacher like her. ”
Chinese NVC Net 5th Anniversary Interview

NVC China Testimonial 14

" Although it was a free public class, Aya put her heart and soul into it, preparing as if it were a formal course. Her dedication and professionalism deeply moved me. From the course content to the meticulously crafted PowerPoint slides, everything reflected her respect and care for the participants. I was particularly impressed by Aya's rigor and systematic approach, qualities I greatly admire. I especially appreciated Aya's teaching pace. After explaining each small segment, she would pause to allow time for questions and feedback, making the pace comfortable and the class highly engaging. The theoretical content of the course was rich and in-depth, which is very appealing to participants. Overall, this was a high-quality public class. Aya's commitment and dedication left me deeply impressed. "

NVC China Testimonial 13

" During the session, I made a little diagram for myself as a reminder to respond within the intersection of my capacity and willingness, to maximize support for my needs and others’. "

NVC China Testimonial 12

" Thank you so much, Xuan and Aya, for the wonderful two-hour class this morning. It gave me a clear understanding of boundaries, how to say no with love, how to make NVC-style apologies, and it nourished my growth and learning. I’m so touched and happy—my needs for growth and learning are deeply nourished. "

NVC China Testimonial 11

" Realizing that my needs in the moment are my boundaries and reconnecting with myself through my needs brought such ease and clarity. Then, practicing that exercise and saying no with care for the other person brought me so much joy.? "

NVC China Testimonial 10

" Aya’s guidance felt like eating a compressed biscuit—it was so rich and fulfilling, even a bit overwhelming to digest all at once. I’ll need to review and revisit it again. "

NVC China Testimonial 9

" It was my first time attending Aya’s course. The content was incredibly rich. As some partners mentioned, there’s a lot of information, and I feel it takes time to digest. In terms of content, I’ve participated in a parenting course before, which also covered similar topics like boundaries and shared power. Personally, I think Aya’s explanations are more logical and systematic. The course content and the coordination between you both showcased qualities of presence, authenticity, and sincerity—truly amazing. If I may make a suggestion, I think reducing the amount of information might make it lighter for everyone. For example, when presenting the complete course framework, focusing on just one point could make it more manageable. That’s just my experience. "

NVC China Testimonial 8

" I attended Aya’s course during the pandemic, which left a deep impression on me, and I really enjoyed it. ? I had some beautiful takeaways today as well. Thank you for organizing and serving us! ?? The phrase “Needs are our internal boundaries” from Aya left a deep impression on me—something to ponder over and over again. ? "

NVC China Testimonial 7

" I want to express gratitude because I know balancing everything in this process isn’t easy. I also want to share my willingness to contribute. I’ve translated two of Aya’s courses before, and some of today’s content overlapped, which helped me consolidate my understanding. "

NVC China Testimonial 6

" I’ve already purchased the course. Thank you for inviting Aya to talk about conflict and repair—I’m so glad to have the opportunity to learn together. ??? "

NVC China Testimonial 5

" Aya is very wise and has a strong ability to understand people’s inner thoughts. She could accurately identify the needs behind my hesitation when invited to lunch with friends. Whether it was the theoretical explanation or live case demonstrations, everything was very clear. When I shared that I knew I couldn’t yet achieve something at my current level, Aya comforted me by saying I could take my time to heal. In addition to her wisdom and clarity, Aya is also a very compassionate teacher. "

NVC China Testimonial 4

" Thank you, Aya, and Xuan, for your gifts. The course covered several points I’ve been exploring recently (the universe has sent me gifts again—big ones.I’ll take some time to review and reflect further. The value of Aya’s course is incredibly high—this is my personal experience. "

NVC China Testimonial 3

" I’ve wanted to express myself for one or two months, and after yesterday’s class, I gained the courage, confidence, and strength to do it. I expressed myself right away yesterday at noon. "

NVC China Testimonial 2

" Aya connected boundaries with needs, and I remembered it instantly. In fact, I’ve never been very clear about what my boundaries are, but as soon as I heard about connecting with needs, I immediately felt clarity and empowerment. "

NVC China Testimonial 1

" I haven’t seen Aya for over a year, and she looks younger and more beautiful than ever—is this the legendary effect of NVC content? "


Celebrating a deepening understanding of the spiritual core of NVC, especially the beautiful flavors of wholeness. With this consciousness, I believe that we'll be able to make good use of various practices to truly support ourselves and others to live out their longings to the fullest. I have also received much appreciation from fellow participants, which used to make me feel awkward. Now with a lens of innocence, I'm able to truly welcome this appreciation and the flow


Aya embodies the meaning of reclaiming and the courage of reclaiming, which will have a profound effect on every o one of us. Thank you very much.

郭阳 Guo Yang

在学习的过程中越来越可以看到,尤其是自己和对方脆弱的部分,这让我清晰的感受觉察到了从内在升发的慈悲与力量In the process of learning, I have increasing awareness, especially about the vulnerable parts of myself and others, which makes me clearly feel the compassion and power that rises from within.

Wendy 乌依沁

收获了:对“重拾”的领悟。纯真、喜悦、选择、脆弱,这些美好的东西就在我们的内在。无需创造,只需消除障碍。My gain is the comprehension of 'reclaiming'. Innocence, joy, choice, vulnerability, these beautiful things are within us. No need to create, just eliminate obstacles.


与人相处,不是只有独立和依赖,不是对立,是相互依存,如何互相协作是需要去学习的。最近很困惑的点有了清晰。Getting along with others is not just about independence and dependence. It's not about opposition. it's about interdependence. How to collaborate with each other requires learning. The confusing points have become clearer recently.


Thank you Aya, can’t talk due to still in office, just want to share the appreciation on how deeply touched in all these sessions, really mindset changing!!!

7组 Serena大力

这期课程很多收获,感觉没法细说。最大的感触是对NVC精神有更多的链接与触动。I have many gains and I feel unable to elaborate on it. The biggest feeling is that I’m more connected to and touched by the NVC spirit.

张晓华Zhang Xiaohua

感恩老师 Appreciation to Aya From 晴方 Qingfang 每周一次的加油站,给我力量,让我可以坚定,坚持The course is like a weekly gas station that has given me the strength to have power and be persistent

樊樊 Fanfan

必须的庆祝,确认,清晰了内心渴望的对nvc的理解,些刻心怀喜悦。We must celebrate The course supports me to confirm and clarify the understanding of NVC that my heart desires, and this moment I’m filled with joy.

王蕾Wang Lei

课程内容给了我很多刷新,太多了,感觉无法一时说清楚!今天最大的收获是知道可以无条件的接受!The course content has enlightened me in many ways. There are too many, I feel like I can't explain them clearly at this moment! The biggest gain today is knowing that we can accept unconditionally!


最大的收获是纯真假设。The biggest gain is the assumption of innocence.


庆祝8周的学习让我对NVC的精神内核有了更深的理解,对人性的美好、相互依存有了更多信任,也相信自己有力量重拾自己的脆弱、纯真和完整,愿更多由衷的给予与接受流动,感恩AYA老师,感恩所有伙伴们 ~ Celebrating the 8 weeks of study that has given me a deeper understanding of the spiritual core of NVC, and increased my trust in the beauty of human nature and our interdependence. I also believe that I have the power to reclaim my vulnerability, innocence, and wholeness. I am willing to give and receive and sincerely allow them to flow. So grateful to Teacher AYA, and grateful to all the participants ~

Yumi, China

“ Aya has led me to go through a journey from suffering to self-love and loving others. She leads life to a status of innocence and beauty. ”

Lucy, China

“ Aya’s teaching is worth reviewing again and again. I’m touched deep in the heart and have regained freedom, choicefulness and strength. ”

Maple, China

“ Every sentences Aya articulates is a natural manifestation of NVC consciousness. I’m full of admiration toward her. ”


“ I'm moved to have such high-quality companions during COVID and deep community connection and sense of belong. Lots of my awareness has been awakened and I'm supported by spiritual strength. Aya's rootedness has opened my eyes and made me trust in NVC and trust more my own choice about going on this path towards innocence, healing and compassion. ”


“ Aya showed me the way into the NVC spirituality. The more I learn, the wider my vision is, and the more grounded my heart is. I found the pure beauty in compassion and my heart has been nourished. ”

NVC Turkey Testimonial 3

" My intention is to live wholeheartedly, and this training has greatly supported me. The instructor's grounded and open presence, along with the practices rooted in real life, have been invaluable. "

Aliye Burcu Ertunç

" Aya's workshop invited me to process the steps of Nonviolent Communication very slowly, layer by layer. The repairing work showed me how to approach more challenging situations in my relationships. Slowing down between those steps allowed me to understand my responsibility in each one . Her work reminded me of the narrative often imposed on us, where everyone is either guilty or a victim for some reason and rarely responsible and that what struck me the most to realize that non-violent communication is not just a four-step technique. Instead, when we are ready to move to a more heartfelt place and embrace the innocence of ourselves it becomes something we naturally live and we get ready to share that innocence field with other beings...I'm also grateful for the chance to experience how Aya welcomed an impact in real time during our session—it created a field of love honesty and connection. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 2

" The concept of the field of innocence deeply resonated with me. It has become a compassionate reminder that I will actively use in my relationships. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 1

" It was incredibly meaningful to witness Aya take transparent responsibility for the impact she had while sharing her own experience and to see how she deepened the connection step by step. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 3

" My intention is to live wholeheartedly, and this training has greatly supported me. The instructor's grounded and open presence, along with the practices rooted in real life, have been invaluable. "

Aliye Burcu Ertunç

" Aya's workshop invited me to process the steps of Nonviolent Communication very slowly, layer by layer. The repairing work showed me how to approach more challenging situations in my relationships. Slowing down between those steps allowed me to understand my responsibility in each one . Her work reminded me of the narrative often imposed on us, where everyone is either guilty or a victim for some reason and rarely responsible and that what struck me the most to realize that non-violent communication is not just a four-step technique. Instead, when we are ready to move to a more heartfelt place and embrace the innocence of ourselves it becomes something we naturally live and we get ready to share that innocence field with other beings...I'm also grateful for the chance to experience how Aya welcomed an impact in real time during our session—it created a field of love honesty and connection. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 2

" The concept of the field of innocence deeply resonated with me. It has become a compassionate reminder that I will actively use in my relationships. "

NVC Turkey Testimonial 1

" It was incredibly meaningful to witness Aya take transparent responsibility for the impact she had while sharing her own experience and to see how she deepened the connection step by step. "

Dr. Dida Kimor, Lecturer in Philosophy and Logotherapy (W. Frankl’s teachings)

איה יקרה , הקורס *להשיב את הביחד* היווה עבורי השראה טהורה, הן כהשקפת חיים והן כפרקטיקה של תרגול מעשי, להשבת תחושת הקירבה והיחד ביחסים. ניכר באופן העברת הקורס, שזו ממש שליחות עבורך, השקפת עולם שאת חיה אותה בכוליות הוויתך, וחזון אמת של יצירת עולם טוב יותר, תוך לקיחת האחריות על עצמנו, להיות אקטיביים ביצירה המשותפת של השינוי! גם עצם ארגון וניהול השיעורים- המצגות, הסרטונים והדוגמאות, היו מדוייקים ביותר, ותמיד תוך נעימות ופתיחות לשאלות, מעבר למקצועיות הרבה שבהנחייה, וההשקעה שניכרה בהכנת החומרים. משמעותית במיוחד עבורי היתה ההדגמה החיה בסיום השיעור האחרון, של כל שלבי התרגול, ביישום על דוגמה אמיתית מחייה של יעל. תודה מעומק הלב על חוויה מיוחדת במינה, אליה אני מתחברת ברוחי ובמלוא הוויתי, תוך הישארות עם טעם של עוד! תודה גם ליעל ודבי על כל תרומתן! יישר כח על עבודת קודש זו!

Nonviolent Communication at Ghidotti High

Avital Shosheim Cohen

.השתתפתי בקורס תקשורת לא אלימה בהנחייתה של איה, קורס מקוון בן 10 מפגשים מעבר לידע התיאורטי המרתק ועקרונות הגישה שלמדנו, הקורס כלל גם עבודה רגשית אישית וקבוצתית משמעותית, מה שבעצם אפשר לתרגל את הגישה ולהבין אותה לעומק איה הנחתה את התהליכים האלה ברגישות ובתבונה רבה, והמושקעות והאכפתיות שלה כלפי הקבוצה וכלפי כל אחד מהחברים בה הייתה ניכרת .הקורס תרם לי הן מבחינה אישית ומשפחתית, הן מבחינה מקצועית כפסיכולוגית מטפלת .ממליצה בחום ללמוד עם איה

Alina Shkolnikov, Chief Partnership Officer at PollyLabs

הקורס היה מאיר עיניים בצורה יוצאת דופן! הלימוד המשלב תפיסות מקרו והסתכלות פילוסופית עם שיטות פרקטיות וכלים ספציפיים מאפשר הן להבין את החומר והן להטמיע אותו במהרה. אני מרגישה שכל פן בחיים האישיים והמקצועיים שלי זוכה מהשימוש במסגרות שאיה לימדה אותי. תודה איה! 

Maya Katzir, Israel’s cultural affiliate in Italy

ולעוד הרבה זמן. מה שנראה בהתחלה כדבר מובן מאליו, לכאורה הרי כל אחד מבין אינטואיטיבית מה היא ״תקשורת מקרבת״ או ״תקשורת לא אלימה״, הפך לאט לאט לפחות ברור ואז בחזרה למובן יותר, מובן באמת, מובן כך שהוא משנה התנהגות. הבנה שהופכת מתיאורטית לפרקטית. במילים אחרות במהלך הדרך הפתלתלה של הקורס סייעת לי לחזק תובנות שאולי חלפו במוחי גם קודם, אבל כעת אני לא רק חושבת את הדברים אלא גם פועלת על פיהן. טעמנו על קצה המזלג מהעולם היפה, החכם והאופטימי של מרשל רוזנברג שהצגת לנו, כמובן יחד עם התובנות שלך, עם האינטרפרטציה שלך ופתחת בפני באמת דרך חדשה לחשוב על מפגשים עם אנשים, דרך שמסייעת מאד בריכוך עימותים פוטנציאליים, ביני לבין האחר וביני לבין עצמי. אני מודה לך מאד איה יקרה על המתנה הנפלאה הזאת ומקווה שנוכל להמשיך גם לקורס נוסף

Dr. Dida Kimor, Lecturer in Philosophy and Logotherapy (W. Frankl’s teachings)

איה יקרה , הקורס *להשיב את הביחד* היווה עבורי השראה טהורה, הן כהשקפת חיים והן כפרקטיקה של תרגול מעשי, להשבת תחושת הקירבה והיחד ביחסים. ניכר באופן העברת הקורס, שזו ממש שליחות עבורך, השקפת עולם שאת חיה אותה בכוליות הוויתך, וחזון אמת של יצירת עולם טוב יותר, תוך לקיחת האחריות על עצמנו, להיות אקטיביים ביצירה המשותפת של השינוי! גם עצם ארגון וניהול השיעורים- המצגות, הסרטונים והדוגמאות, היו מדוייקים ביותר, ותמיד תוך נעימות ופתיחות לשאלות, מעבר למקצועיות הרבה שבהנחייה, וההשקעה שניכרה בהכנת החומרים. משמעותית במיוחד עבורי היתה ההדגמה החיה בסיום השיעור האחרון, של כל שלבי התרגול, ביישום על דוגמה אמיתית מחייה של יעל. תודה מעומק הלב על חוויה מיוחדת במינה, אליה אני מתחברת ברוחי ובמלוא הוויתי, תוך הישארות עם טעם של עוד! תודה גם ליעל ודבי על כל תרומתן! יישר כח על עבודת קודש זו!
Nonviolent Communication at Ghidotti High

Avital Shosheim Cohen

.השתתפתי בקורס תקשורת לא אלימה בהנחייתה של איה, קורס מקוון בן 10 מפגשים מעבר לידע התיאורטי המרתק ועקרונות הגישה שלמדנו, הקורס כלל גם עבודה רגשית אישית וקבוצתית משמעותית, מה שבעצם אפשר לתרגל את הגישה ולהבין אותה לעומק איה הנחתה את התהליכים האלה ברגישות ובתבונה רבה, והמושקעות והאכפתיות שלה כלפי הקבוצה וכלפי כל אחד מהחברים בה הייתה ניכרת .הקורס תרם לי הן מבחינה אישית ומשפחתית, הן מבחינה מקצועית כפסיכולוגית מטפלת .ממליצה בחום ללמוד עם איה

Alina Shkolnikov, Chief Partnership Officer at PollyLabs

הקורס היה מאיר עיניים בצורה יוצאת דופן! הלימוד המשלב תפיסות מקרו והסתכלות פילוסופית עם שיטות פרקטיות וכלים ספציפיים מאפשר הן להבין את החומר והן להטמיע אותו במהרה. אני מרגישה שכל פן בחיים האישיים והמקצועיים שלי זוכה מהשימוש במסגרות שאיה לימדה אותי. תודה איה! 

Maya Katzir, Israel’s cultural affiliate in Italy

ולעוד הרבה זמן. מה שנראה בהתחלה כדבר מובן מאליו, לכאורה הרי כל אחד מבין אינטואיטיבית מה היא ״תקשורת מקרבת״ או ״תקשורת לא אלימה״, הפך לאט לאט לפחות ברור ואז בחזרה למובן יותר, מובן באמת, מובן כך שהוא משנה התנהגות. הבנה שהופכת מתיאורטית לפרקטית. במילים אחרות במהלך הדרך הפתלתלה של הקורס סייעת לי לחזק תובנות שאולי חלפו במוחי גם קודם, אבל כעת אני לא רק חושבת את הדברים אלא גם פועלת על פיהן. טעמנו על קצה המזלג מהעולם היפה, החכם והאופטימי של מרשל רוזנברג שהצגת לנו, כמובן יחד עם התובנות שלך, עם האינטרפרטציה שלך ופתחת בפני באמת דרך חדשה לחשוב על מפגשים עם אנשים, דרך שמסייעת מאד בריכוך עימותים פוטנציאליים, ביני לבין האחר וביני לבין עצמי. אני מודה לך מאד איה יקרה על המתנה הנפלאה הזאת ומקווה שנוכל להמשיך גם לקורס נוסף
NVC Hong-Kong

A, social science postgraduate

“ I believe Aya is exceptionally skilled at interactive teaching and role-playing. She has developed a clear framework for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and demonstrated how to apply it to foster forgiveness and reconciliation. What I learned most is that, for NVC to be successfully implemented, one must cultivate self-compassion—and Aya is an excellent guide on that journey. I highly recommend her class to anyone who wishes to develop self-compassion, learn about NVC, and participate in interactive learning sessions. ”
Ross McLeod, California
Amy Cheney, California
Paige Hector, Arizona
Zoe Dorey, Portugal

Sum, Emotional Self Help Group Organizer

“ Grateful for the course. Aya's large-group demonstrations and the post-class exercises design were incredibly helpful. I've read about the principles [ of NVC relationship repair] in books, but in practice, I still had many doubts. The first step, identifying and focusing on the trigger of the event, was something I hadn't done before. This increased my awareness of observational language. The second benefit was experiencing the live interaction during Aya's demonstrations and group exercises. This answered questions I had about practical application and helped me notice that I was incorporating my own needs into the relationship repair process, hoping for understanding and expression from the other person. Aya created a space for everyone to have a little ground of trust to share their vulnerabilities. I've never felt so steady and grounded, and it was very moving. ”

Taki Chan, Psychology Lecturer

“ Aya is sharp at identifying the root causes of conflicts in each individual's experiences, making me realize that failed communication often stems from deeper, unseen needs. After Aya's NVC class, I learned to translate others' feelings and needs when listening. Now, when I feel impatient, I pause to examine my own wellbeing. These changes have enhanced my quality of connection with others. ”

Jessica Kwong, mother

“ I really enjoyed Aya's class. She focuses on practice, not theory. She breaks down the core principles of NVC into manageable steps, allowing us to try them gradually, building our confidence. The group exercises and the peer practices gave us plenty of opportunities to try it out and improve. To my surprise, using NVC with my child was easier than I expected. When my child feels my genuine desire to connect, even if I don't articulate everything perfectly, their sensitive heart receives the message. Both of us broke down in tears. My kid became more willing to share his inner feelings and thoughts. This kind of communication feels authentic and warm. Beyond the techniques, I believe the valuable aspect of Aya's class is the opportunity to experience Aya's unwavering groundedness and presence. Sometimes, the situations we shared were heavy and painful, yet Aya remained grounded and calm.  She embraces everyone unconditionally without losing her balance. I felt she held a vast space, allowing those present to feel safe and supported. This level of energetic field is something you can't grasp from reading books alone. I sincerely recommend experiencing Aya's embodiment of NVC; it nourishes both our minds and hearts. ”

Polly Sham, NGO worker

“ In the past, my habitual response to conflicts was to avoid or give in my needs. While I wasn't happy about it, often felt wronged, yet I lacked the motivation to learn a "different" way of handling things. Much later, I realized I actually wanted to be the victim in these conflicts, so that I didn't have to confront myself or the other person. It was efficient and allowed me to garner sympathy, cultivating an image of someone who avoids conflict—a win-win, in my mind. But you can't always isolate yourself from the world. In family, workplace, friendships, and relationships—whenever I interact with others, I have to deal with the dynamics of the relationship and our differences. Last September, I met Aya [on an online talk]. Her relaxed, intelligent, and sincere demeanor deeply moved me. I wanted to learn from her, so I enrolled in the UNFOLDING course, focusing on my biggest weakness to better understand myself. Aya systematically and progressively shared how Nonviolent Communication (NVC) can address trauma and difficult situations in relationships. Her honest case studies in class showed me the incredible power of reconciliation when you connect with another person on the same wavelength—it's indescribable.  Aya is like a magic wizard, demonstrating how to acknowledge the other person's pain while simultaneously expressing one’s own needs and thoughts. For me, this was truly incredible—the power of apology! After the course, I tried applying it in my workplace with a colleague. I hadn't realize how different our approaches to work were, leading to a misunderstanding. Using Aya's five-step NVC approach to repair relationships, I attempted to acknowledge my colleague's feelings, honestly expressed my limitations and needs, and then proposed new ways to collaborate. In the past, I would have avoided conflict for fear of being disliked.  But after the repair process, my colleague felt my sincerity, accepted my limitations and suggestions, and our work relationship improved. I also learned to respect everyone's perspectives and working styles more. The five-step NVC process is a powerful tool, and Aya's experienced and present teaching style allowed me to directly learn and witness the power of NVC. Thank you, Aya, and thankyou UNFOLDING and NVC. ”
NVC Hong-Kong

A, social science postgraduate

“ I believe Aya is exceptionally skilled at interactive teaching and role-playing. She has developed a clear framework for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and demonstrated how to apply it to foster forgiveness and reconciliation. What I learned most is that, for NVC to be successfully implemented, one must cultivate self-compassion—and Aya is an excellent guide on that journey. I highly recommend her class to anyone who wishes to develop self-compassion, learn about NVC, and participate in interactive learning sessions. ”
Ross McLeod, California
Amy Cheney, California
Paige Hector, Arizona
Zoe Dorey, Portugal

Sum, Emotional Self Help Group Organizer

“ Grateful for the course. Aya's large-group demonstrations and the post-class exercises design were incredibly helpful. I've read about the principles [ of NVC relationship repair] in books, but in practice, I still had many doubts. The first step, identifying and focusing on the trigger of the event, was something I hadn't done before. This increased my awareness of observational language. The second benefit was experiencing the live interaction during Aya's demonstrations and group exercises. This answered questions I had about practical application and helped me notice that I was incorporating my own needs into the relationship repair process, hoping for understanding and expression from the other person. Aya created a space for everyone to have a little ground of trust to share their vulnerabilities. I've never felt so steady and grounded, and it was very moving. ”

Taki Chan, Psychology Lecturer

“ Aya is sharp at identifying the root causes of conflicts in each individual's experiences, making me realize that failed communication often stems from deeper, unseen needs. After Aya's NVC class, I learned to translate others' feelings and needs when listening. Now, when I feel impatient, I pause to examine my own wellbeing. These changes have enhanced my quality of connection with others. ”

Jessica Kwong, mother

“ I really enjoyed Aya's class. She focuses on practice, not theory. She breaks down the core principles of NVC into manageable steps, allowing us to try them gradually, building our confidence. The group exercises and the peer practices gave us plenty of opportunities to try it out and improve. To my surprise, using NVC with my child was easier than I expected. When my child feels my genuine desire to connect, even if I don't articulate everything perfectly, their sensitive heart receives the message. Both of us broke down in tears. My kid became more willing to share his inner feelings and thoughts. This kind of communication feels authentic and warm. Beyond the techniques, I believe the valuable aspect of Aya's class is the opportunity to experience Aya's unwavering groundedness and presence. Sometimes, the situations we shared were heavy and painful, yet Aya remained grounded and calm.  She embraces everyone unconditionally without losing her balance. I felt she held a vast space, allowing those present to feel safe and supported. This level of energetic field is something you can't grasp from reading books alone. I sincerely recommend experiencing Aya's embodiment of NVC; it nourishes both our minds and hearts. ”

Polly Sham, NGO worker

“ In the past, my habitual response to conflicts was to avoid or give in my needs. While I wasn't happy about it, often felt wronged, yet I lacked the motivation to learn a "different" way of handling things. Much later, I realized I actually wanted to be the victim in these conflicts, so that I didn't have to confront myself or the other person. It was efficient and allowed me to garner sympathy, cultivating an image of someone who avoids conflict—a win-win, in my mind. But you can't always isolate yourself from the world. In family, workplace, friendships, and relationships—whenever I interact with others, I have to deal with the dynamics of the relationship and our differences. Last September, I met Aya [on an online talk]. Her relaxed, intelligent, and sincere demeanor deeply moved me. I wanted to learn from her, so I enrolled in the UNFOLDING course, focusing on my biggest weakness to better understand myself. Aya systematically and progressively shared how Nonviolent Communication (NVC) can address trauma and difficult situations in relationships. Her honest case studies in class showed me the incredible power of reconciliation when you connect with another person on the same wavelength—it's indescribable.  Aya is like a magic wizard, demonstrating how to acknowledge the other person's pain while simultaneously expressing one’s own needs and thoughts. For me, this was truly incredible—the power of apology! After the course, I tried applying it in my workplace with a colleague. I hadn't realize how different our approaches to work were, leading to a misunderstanding. Using Aya's five-step NVC approach to repair relationships, I attempted to acknowledge my colleague's feelings, honestly expressed my limitations and needs, and then proposed new ways to collaborate. In the past, I would have avoided conflict for fear of being disliked.  But after the repair process, my colleague felt my sincerity, accepted my limitations and suggestions, and our work relationship improved. I also learned to respect everyone's perspectives and working styles more. The five-step NVC process is a powerful tool, and Aya's experienced and present teaching style allowed me to directly learn and witness the power of NVC. Thank you, Aya, and thankyou UNFOLDING and NVC. ”